Competitive gaming attracts a demographic that marketers love: young, affluent men. No wonder television deals and other lucrative partnerships are forming.
Today's young investors are often too cautious. Here's how to break through the anxiety and build a balanced 401(k) portfolio.
Not sure what your deductible should be, or even what a deductible is? Read on.
Researchers cautioned driverless cars still have a long way to go before full safety ramifications are understood.
The international tribunal's decision to hear the two countries' competing claims was a loss for China.
Ben Carson wants future Republican presidential debates to have moderators who ask fewer "gotcha" questions.
For the first time, Russian warplanes hit the rebel-controlled southern Syrian province of Daraa.
The U.S. has evidence that leads it to believe Russia hit a hospital in Syria with an airstrike, a State Department spokesman said.
"The Returned" French series returns to SundanceTV for its second season on Friday, Oct. 31.
Experts say allowing another 3 million to 8 million births a year will add 0.5 percent to GDP growth and tackle China's population problem.
In a bid to ease the economic strains and looming labor shortages from a graying population, the Chinese government ended its controversial one-child policy Thursday.
Fethullah Gulen, a reclusive religious cleric who lives in a gated-farming community in Pennsylvania, has been placed on a most-wanted terrorist list along with leaders of the Islamic State group.
As scrutiny of daily fantasy sports intensifies, the site's founder now says state-by-state oversight is crucial to protect consumers and ensure future growth.
A Wall Street Journal survey of 13 global investment banks found oil prices will struggle to breach $60 a barrel in 2016 amid a growing supply glut and tepid demand.
The Chinese startup has launched its cheapest smartphone to date with the $249 OnePlus X offering premium design on a budget.
Kim Dotcom, wanted in the U.S. for copyright infringement, wants to set up an alternative Internet built on technology similar to the blockchain.
The night before Halloween has a different name everywhere it's celebrated.
The tradition could have originated from ancient Celtic festivals, early Roman Catholic holidays, medieval traditions, or possibly even British politics.
The European Parliament has called for the protection of whistleblower Edward Snowden.
An emotional John Boehner said he has no regrets in his farewell remarks as speaker of the House.
The catch is the streaming may only work through its slower 4G network.
As the two Tupolevs approached, the Reagan launched four F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jets to intercept and identify, a standard procedure.