Russia began bombing the headquarters of Jabhat al Nusra in Syria's largest city Thursday night, marking the launch of a regime offensive to drive out the rebels.
"There is a willingness to pay more to get exclusive accommodation, and this has resulted in greater demand for skyscraper space,” one economist says.
Sixty-seven percent of turban-wearing Sikh children report being bullied in school last year, said a national advocacy group.
This winter's El Niño could be one of the strongest in years. But the above-average rains it brings won't be enough to end California's brutal drought.
Agreeing with right-wing radio host Jan Mickelson, Huckabee said Wednesday that slavery would work for criminals.
President Obama's announcement Thursday was what many military strategists and political analysts expected: U.S. troops in Afghanistan beyond the planned withdrawal date.
One the largest and oldest digital media companies has seen a major dip in its U.S. audience numbers.
“The aim of this delegation’s visit is to further promote friendship, deepen cooperation and exchange views," a senior Chinese military official said after meeting with Iran's defense minister Thursday.
The news outlet was spotted using the default wallpaper from Mac OS 10.4 in its YouTube uploads.
"Conversion therapies...are not effective, are harmful and are not appropriate therapeutic practices," mental health experts affirmed Thursday.
Ukraine won a nonpermanent U.N. Security Council seat Thursday, setting up future shouting matches and possible calls for veto reform.
Privacy activists and major tech firms are typically at odds, but they both oppose a Senate proposal called the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act.
Evolving with the times, a 122-year-old interfaith event now embraces religions that have traditionally been excluded.
Do the math to see if you're paying too much rent -- and if you're better off owning a condo, townhouse or single-family home.
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Russia's aggression has caused the Pentagon to re-examine its strategy in Europe, including cyberwarfare and nuclear deterrence.
Activists in New Orleans accused an appeals court of stalling on executive actions that would provide deportation relief to 5 million undocumented immigrants. And the government could be running out of time.
In the wake of the Volkswagen scandal, Germany's environment minister wants to eliminate tax breaks for diesel cars, while France will jack up diesel prices.
"Make no mistake, the United States will fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows."
"Parliament must get all the necessary means for an effective control of the intelligence services," said the German minister of justice.
"It’s just another part of the cover-up and erasing of [my father's] murder from the record," said the daughter of a man killed by police in 2014.
While the U.S. is no longer in the valleys and villages in Afghanistan, Kabul still needs strategic help from the U.S., Obama said Thursday.
Sales of Burberry trench coats and Louis Vuitton handbags have been hit by the economic slowdown in China, with sales down from last year.