A newly obtained legal opinion from 2003 shows how the Bush administration viewed its duty to keep Congress informed.
Republican party leaders in Virginia and North Carolina are considering requiring loyalty oaths for candidates entering their primaries.
African-American leaders salute the late civil rights activist who suffered brutality during the Selma marches of 1965.
Jeb Bush has said that he will act independently and differently than his brother, responding to Democrats who have sought to link the former governor with his brother's policies.
“Managing exposure risks in the Grand Canyon will be a challenge,” said Dr. David Walters, a research ecologist and lead author of the study.
The decision was driven by customer demand, not politics, a company spokesman said Wednesday.
The U.S. president has invited his counterpart to the White House in September, but the meeting will come amid rising tensions over hacking.
The creator of a new show, which has not been picked up by any network, says it will be like a religious version of “American Idol.”
The tight China-Sudan partnership could unravel if Beijing's economic turbulence forces Beijing to cut back on the heavy flow of cash and arms to Khartoum.
The church, which boasts 15 million members worldwide, has softened its tone on gay rights issues in recent years.
Family and friends of Sandra Bland marched Tuesday on the road that the City Council renamed in honor of the Chicago-area woman.
James Holmes received a sentence of life in prison for killing 12 people in a Colorado movie theater in 2012.
This week’s massive sell-off was similar to the 2010 "flash crash," but with some significant differences.
Trump's campaign spoke with International Business Times about the tense exchange between Ramos and the Trump fan.
Agora users will likely shift to other online drug sites while Agora updates its security settings.
Some analysts believe Beijing's stock market policy -- and economic strategy -- need to be much more transparent.
Hundreds of Colombian families living along Venezuela's western border are packing up to leave before they are forced out of their homes.
Officials are looking to prevent large capital outflows following "Black Monday."
American consumers prefer Samsung's stylus-equipped phablet over its pricier cousin, online sales data show.
The two celebrities argued over immigration policy in Iowa on Tuesday.
Can the ALS Association turn the viral phenomenon into an annual fundraiser?
Donald Trump and Jeb Bush have come under fire this week for remarks that have been deemed racially insensitive.