Aspiring online video creators can now find filmmaking support in a new YouTube-sponsored space in India.
Oil prices tumbled to six-year lows Wednesday, weighing on the energy sector ahead of the Federal Reserve's latest meeting minutes.
Less than a year after launching in some of the EU's largest markets, Netflix has already raised subscription fees there.
The highlight of the drills will take place at the end of August, when warplanes drop more than 1,000 paratroopers over Germany.
Despite the best of intentions, Prime Minister Abadi is unlikely to fix Iraq’s massive corruption problem.
Russia said that Ukraine would also be included in the list if Kiev signs an economic agreement with the European Union in 2016.
A study found that even light to moderate drinking can substantially increase the risk of breast cancer in women and all kinds of cancer in men.
Alibaba's investment in Snapdeal gives the Chinese e-commerce company more than a toehold in the subcontinent.
How much does Ann Coulter dislike Carly Fiorina? Quite a bit, it turns out.
The United Auto Workers union lashed out at a report that General Motors "would almost certainly" import a Chinese-made Buick to the U.S.
Israel acquired the West Bank during the 1967 war with Egypt, Syria and Jordan, but Palestinians and the U.S. consider it to be illegally occupied territory.
“I painted the confederate flag backed by the American flag because I believe that anything can stand with the American flag behind it."
NATO is setting up a tent command center in preparation for a large-scale training exercise planned for late September.
In both the U.S. and Britain, party leadership contests have been upended by the popularity of marginal candidates.
The decision to hire an openly transgender person was celebrated by transgender rights activists across the nation.
Brazilian Olympic officials have fallen far short on efforts to clean up waterways that will host the 2016 summer events in Rio de Janeiro despite promises and ballooning budgets.
“Basically, Russia trades accuracy for throwing a mother-loving hell of a lot of shells in the general director of the enemy,” wrote one analyst.
An estimated 100,000 people are expected to disrupt normal business and shut down street traffic, organizers say.
The military's ban on women fighting in combat was lifted in January 2013.
"I'm not saying it can do everything you can do, but... if we keep pushing, we'll get there," said Boston Dynamics founder Marc Raibert.
The Environmental Protection Agency plan would require the oil and gas sector to decrease such output by 45 percent over the next decade.
Turkish and American officials have said they would create an "Islamic State-free" zone in a 60-mile strip along the Turkish border.