Asian shares were firm on Thursday after the U.S. Federal Reserve said it saw the economy and jobs continuing to strengthen, helping lift the dollar as traders bet that higher U.S. interest rates were around the corner.
Billionaire Donald Trump has taken a commanding lead in the race for the 2016 U.S. Republican presidential nomination with the support of 25 percent in a Reuters/Ipsos poll, giving him a double-digit advantage over nearest rival Jeb Bush.
The news of Omar’s death comes just days before a second round of peace talks in neighboring Pakistan between the Afghan government and the Taliban.
Female recruits will need to be "recruited, accessed, trained, tested and assigned" before taking any of the 245,000 jobs currently unavailable.
Policymakers said the economy is “expanding moderately,” signaling the Fed remains on course to lift interest rates in September -- for the first time in nearly a decade.
"Only one good thing comes out of this," said primatologist Jane Goodall, "thousands of people have read the story and have also been shocked,"
U.S. United Nations Rep. Samantha Power criticized the Russian veto, saying that Russia had "abused the privilege given to it by the U.N."
Californians are leading the conversation about the launch of Windows 10, with 16% of domestic social media chatter.
An inevitable rise in interest rates will have broad affects on consumers as windows of opportunity narrow on these three types of financial products.
America's faith communities are growing increasingly diverse -- with Seventh-day Adventists, Muslims and Jehovah's Witnesses leading the way.
A proposed buffer zone in northern Syria could open up a pathway for millions of refugees to return home.
EU antitrust regulators are investigating closely guarded Hollywood deals, some which have leaked online from Sony Pictures.
The damning report by Kenya's auditor general also revealed that just 1 percent of government spending was "incurred lawfully and in an effective way."
We might be entering a sharing economy, but figures show more private cars on U.S. roads than ever.
Snapchat? Periscope? Meerkat? Yahoo joins in the messaging app hype and releases own texting app.
Only three new financial institutions have opened in the U.S. since 2010. One explanation might be the Dodd-Frank Act.
The aircraft were likely flying from mainland Russia in the north of the Baltic sea to Russian exclave of Kaliningrad in the south.
Kenyan wildlife authorities arrested the two suspects following the discovery of five slain elephants with their tusks missing in Tsavo West National Park.
Cameroonian President Paul Biya saw the Nigerian leader's failure to visit sooner as a snub.
Stories of unplanned pregnancy were shared several thousands of times on social media network ahead of a Senate vote to defund Planned Parenthood centers.
The Kremlin will create two new armies in the west of the country by winter.
U.S. President Barack Obama's administration reportedly gave Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari the names during their talks at the White House last week.