An Iraqi man found the remains of a U.S. drone Tuesday in southern Iraq.
“I am here to ask you for our prayers, for your support, for your presence," Ohio Gov. John Kasich said at a rally Tuesday announcing his run for the White House.
In the U.S., Apple sells the highest-end Apple Watch Editions for $17,000 before tax. Turkish buyers can expect to pay 56,000 lira ($20,812).
Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Tuesday announced his campaign to run for president. He joined an already crowded field, becoming the race's 16th major Republican candidate.
Andrew Hallinan, who owns a gun store in Florida, said he would would not "arm and train someone who believes the Quran."
The ongoing rise in American equities owes mainly to companies repurchasing their own shares, Deutsche Bank's Binky Chadha writes.
Union of Geopolitics Chairman Konstantin Sivkov says the Satan SS-18 is an outdated missile.
He was originally scheduled to visit last month but canceled his appearance after the Charleston shooting.
"I find it completely normal that after this historic deal was signed, France and Iran should restart normal relations," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said.
Russia is pressing forward with a new nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile that could hit targets more than 10,000 kilometers away.
"I probably should have looked at [the email] a little bit closer," said the head of the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles.
Russia has been aggressively working on strengthening its missile forces, spurred on by the U.S.'s growing military presence in Eastern Europe.
Withholding their decision will allow the country's legislatures to first see how the American Congress votes.
Researchers said almost a fifth of the achievement gap between rich and poor students is because of poverty's effects on the brain.
China's regulator says it will continue with measures to "restore investor confidence," as authorities defend massive intervention in the market.
Earlier, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei dismissed speculation that signing of the nuclear deal indicated a shift in bilateral ties with “the arrogant U.S.”
North Korea is also heavily sanctioned by the U.S., the EU and the U.N. for procuring equipment for its ongoing nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
A scathing op-ed in the Des Moines Register called Donald Trump "a feckless blowhard" and urged him to step down from the 2016 race.
During his 2014 gubernatorial reelection campaign, Walker said he favored a law that "leaves the final decision to a woman and her doctor."
Russia's plan to move ISS training to Crimea next year could put the U.S., which has opposed the Russian annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula, in an awkward position.
Obama wrote about a visit to Kogelo in his 1995 book "Dreams from My Father", which helped launch his political career.
A likeness of Obama was discovered hanging from a bridge Monday in the Ural Mountains region of Perm with its head covered by an executioner's hood.