The provisions that the NSA used to justify its bulk telephone metadata collection program are set to expire June 1.
A plane en route from Venezuela and loaded with cocaine crashed into the Caribbean Sea while being pursued by the Colombian air force, officials said on Wednesday.
The history of U.S. biker gangs dates back to World War II, when veterans started buying motorcycles with their severance pay.
The al Qaeda chief was into video production well before ISIS was -- and also passionate about the French economy.
The NHTSA wants $908 million, but Congress says money won't impact record recalls.
A new survey reveals U.S. workers' differing methods of commuting. But the car remains the overwhelming first choice.
U.S. stocks traded mildly lower Wednesday after the Dow hit a record high for a second straight session a day earlier.
A report from the AFL-CIO targets a key argument for the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership.
For Spotify, a dominant position in music streaming does not necessarily spell profit. Now it's adding video to its services.
Stonegate Bank in Florida reportedly welcomed the Cuban government as its newest client, furthering thawing U.S.-Cuba relations.
Gov. Ricketts has promised to repeal the measure.
The USTR's annual report on foreign trade barriers offers a rare glimpse into the agenda of U.S. negotiators.
The country's second-in-command is reportedly facing a U.S. probe over explosive allegations of drug trafficking.
To boost sales growth, Target cut its year-round shipping rates in half earlier this year, lowering the minimum order to $25 from $50.
ARM makes the chips that power nearly every smartphone in the world, but CEO Simon Segars thinks ARM's technology can solve malnutrition or illiteracy. And there's big money to be made.
Reps. Glenn "GT" Thompson, R-Penn., and Joe Courtney, D-Conn., introduced the School Milk Nutrition Act of 2015.
Saudi Prince Turki Faisal also called on U.S. President Barack Obama to "find the way to make our area free of weapons of mass destruction."
President Barack Obama will warn of the threats of sea-level rise and coastal flooding in a commencement address to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.
The hundreds of declassified documents include a letter the al Qaeda leader wrote to one of his wives who was traveling from Iran to rejoin him in Pakistan.
JPMorgan and others were penalized a combined $5.7 billion over foreign exchange manipulation. Despite the historic guilty pleas, no individuals were charged.
"No Afghan child ... must be kept from an education," said Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
The two Syrian rebel groups have so far kept Israel safe from the Islamic State loyalists along the Golan Heights.