The deal would be Boeing’s largest 787 order since 2013, and it more than triples Hainan’s current fleet of Dreamliner jets.
The U.S. Justice Department this week said the Houston, Texas-based oil-field services giant had agreed to pay $232.7 million in penalties.
"Ordinary citizens, the media, and politicians throw around the term ‘terrorism’ so loosely that in ordinary conversation it has lost all but the most vague meanings."
Silicon Valley giants say enough's enough when it comes to bulk collection of American metadata.
Adimlar, which supports the Islamic State group, prints anti-Western content and is backed by a Turkish militant Islamic group.
You can take the new Samsung Gear VR home March 27.
U.S. automobile-factory workers have been making different wages for the same work since 2009. That won't change.
“Without a stronger effort to protect civilians and accountability for abuses, the situation can only get worse," a researcher said.
The plane, named Ilyushin Il-112, is designed to carry out missions in any geographic or weather conditions.
After some big exits, more investment in a maturing Indian startup economy.
Nearly all Fed officials expect the Fed to raise rates sometime this year, but exactly when is a subject of debate.
Foxconn will repair the iPhones and sell them on its e-commerce sites such as eFeihu and FLNet and on Alibaba Group's Taobao online store.
The location is reportedly popular among Star Wars fans, who contribute to Tunisia's critical tourism industry.
According to a report by the 9/11 Review Commission, sequestration has also had a “devastating” impact on FBI's reform initiatives.
The Wangan and Jagalingou people have formally rejected the land-use agreement between Indian firm Adani and the Australian government.
Oil prices surged as traders worried about fighting in the oil-rich Middle East getting out of control.
The Army Sergeant was kept in a cage, beaten and threatened with execution, according to an account released by his attorney.
The U.S. wants major powers to reach a detailed political understanding with Iran by March 31 to clear the path for a long-term nuclear accord, a senior U.S. official said.
The Iraqi army and local militias will re-launch a ground operation in coordination with the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition.
Republican leaders in Congress criticized President Obama's 2014 prisoner swap in light of desertion charges brought against Bowe Bergdahl.
The U.S. Embassy in Uganda Wednesday warned it had received information of possible terrorist threats to locations frequented by Westerners in Kampala, and that an attack may occur soon.
The documents included material on informants and plans for future anti-terrorism operations in the region.