Debt in the crude-oil industry may be a major factor in the collapse of the commodity’s pricing, the Bank for International Settlements says.
Leaders in Iran have signaled they may be ready to take a fair nuclear deal.
The country's exports fell 3.3 percent from year-ago levels while imports tumbled 19.9 percent, highlighting deepening weakness in its economy.
India releases details of a breakthrough agreement reached during Obama's visit, but U.S. diplomats say there are issues still to be resolved.
The move is significant, as the Gulf country had withdrawn all of its planes from the coalition against ISIS last month.
Mediha Medy Salkicevic is one of six people charged with providing money and supplies to groups including ISIS.
The United Steelworkers union indicated it would likely widen its refinery strike to facilities in Indiana and Ohio.
A federal judge in Mexico's western Jalisco state accepted the appeal of Sandra Avila Beltran and ordered her early release.
German health officials have blamed low immunization rates for the outbreak that began in October.
Jordan issued a statement saying, "This is the beginning" and pledging to rout "evil where it hides."
America’s favorite banking villain still ranks dead last on a list of 100 U.S. companies covered by corporate-reputation poll.
When it comes to finding a place to call home, much of China’s millennial population can't get close to the so-called China Dream.
The comments by U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove were his strongest public intervention yet in the debate going on in Washington.
The diplomatic move, also involving France and Germany, is the result of increased Western concern over the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
The move comes even as U.S. lawmakers introduced legislation to broaden sanctions against the North.
Western officials acknowledged that the move may be just a negotiating tactic, but said that Rouhani's standing would be damaged if talks failed.
The Islamic State group had claimed on Friday that Kayla Jean Mueller was killed during Jordanian airstrikes in Syria, but provided no evidence.
Two of the suspects also face additional charges of conspiring to maim and kill persons in a foreign country.
Vice President Joe Biden’s trip to Iowa next week may be a test run for a future presidential campaign, or not.
The U.S. has hinted at sending weapons to Ukraine, but the German government is not on board.
But Standard & Poor’s downgraded Greece’s credit rating with a negative outlook, reigniting concerns about the health of the global economy.
Several women had complained about inappropriate relationships between male guards and female detainees at the Texas detention center.