Abu Anas al-Libi is suspected of helping orchestrate the 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
The 50-acre center in Dilley will house up to 2,400 illegal immigrants and include a library, classrooms and a playground.
From the Pentagon Papers to Prism, news outlets have a history of publishing pilfered information -- and the law says that's fine.
Demonstrators chained the Oakland Police Department headquarters shut and climbed flagpoles, leading to 13 arrests.
The Instagram generation still prefer "real" books to their digital counterparts.
Emerging markets saw some of the largest gains while Samsung's lead was eaten away by Apple and Chinese smartphone makers.
Over the next year, U.N. members will hammer out the finer details of the landmark climate accord unveiled Sunday.
"Lone-wolf" attackers are not required to pledge allegiance to a terrorist group, nor do they have to coordinate their moves.
In the United States, Hanukkah may be considered a major holiday, but in Israel it's "not so special."
A Sandy Hook Elementary School teacher who was shot during the massacre and nine victims' families sue Bushmaster, the maker of the rifle used by Adam Lanza.
Despite the growth in online retail, shoppers place their trust in few companies to protect their payment data.
After Japan's economic program "Abenomics" survived elections Sunday, all eyes are now looking ahead to the Fed’s final meeting of 2014.
Islamist factions in Syria have captured key army bases, giving them access to a road that leads directly to the capital.
The German automaker will show off a BMW i3 that drops drivers off and finds its own parking garage space.
Texas, Oklahoma and Alaska are among oil states already seeing signs of slow growth in 2015.
Vivek Murthy became President Barack Obama's nominee for surgeon general in 2013, and the Senate could finally vote on his candidacy Monday.
PetSmart shares jumped over 4 percent Monday after the company announced it agreed to be acquired by BC Partners for $8.7 billion.
Whether it's due to better budgeting or employment, many millennials aim to spend more money on holiday shopping this year than last.
Governor Brownback's tax cuts have reduced revenues by $250 million. Now he wants to use pension money to cover the budget gap.
The Israeli prime minister is expected to request a U.S. veto of a Palestinian statehood resolution at the U.N.
Fed will decide this week whether to make a critical change to its policy statement that will widen the door for interest rate hikes next year.
The Philippines saw widespread protests against Jennifer Laude’s killing, potentially jeopardizing bilateral relations.