The European Commission and U.S. Senate have been investigating Apple's tax strategies that have saved the company billions.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has found crowds chanting "Modi! Modi!" at almost every turn he's taken on his visit to the U.S.
The Texas-based oilfield service and equipment provider could pull out about 20 top employees.
The White House intrusion is only the latest Secret Service security breach during the Obama administration.
Two portable Ebola testing labs have arrived in Liberia from the U.S., and troops have broken ground on a $22 million field hospital.
EBay announced Tuesday plans to separate eBay and PayPal into independent, publicly traded companies in 2015.
The U.S. is set to become the world's largest producer of liquid petroleum, surpassing Saudi Arabia.
Hassan El Sabsabi, 23, has been accused of providing money to a U.S. citizen fighting for a terrorist organization in Syria.
Apple, which has seen record demand for its new iPhone 6, is yet to release the phone in India, the world's fastest-growing smartphone market.
The Bilateral Security Agreement reportedly allows for a small force of 9,800 U.S. troops to remain in Afghanistan after 2014.
BlackBerry's much-hyped top-end Passport phone is available in India exclusively on for pre-orders against an Oct. 10 release.
Apple received the approval to sell its latest phones in China after it agreed to improve their security and privacy features.
In the new video, Cantlie mocks the American strategy of employing air power combined with local ground forces in Iraq and Syria.
Modi spoke at a breakfast with 11 CEOs during his first U.S. visit since coming to power in May.
Arun Jaitley is due to attend a World Bank meeting in Washington in October, and also visit the Pentagon.
Red finally had his showdown with his nemesis, Berlin, in Season 2 episode 2 of "The Blacklist."
The iPhone 6 can now be sold in China, after Apple received a license for the device to be used on China's wireless networks.
The embattled clothing brand appointed an interim chief executive Monday, three months after Dov Charney was removed.
A New York City judge found Argentina in contempt for declining to repay the debt it owes two U.S. hedge funds.
After more than six months of uncertainty, Afghanistan will allow U.S. forces to stay past December 2014, but safety fears remain.
The White House intruder who jumped the fence on Sept. 19 made it much further into the building than Secret Service officials initially said.
With media appearances drying up, George Zimmerman's brother Robert wants to monetize his family name like the Kardashians