American hospitals do not have the means to properly dispose of medical waste contaminated with Ebola, safety experts have said.
Watch President Obama and other world leaders address the United Nations.
There has, so far, been no confirmation from the Pentagon that the attacks near Kobane in Syria were carried out by the U.S.-led coalition.
The former Miss Venezuela and her ex-husband were shot and killed in January during an attempted robbery in Venezuela.
Gross, co-founder and chief investment officer of Pimco, and other executives have reportedly been interviewed by the SEC as part of the probe.
The BlackBerry Passport will be the first high-end smartphone produced during CEO John Chen's tenure.
India's Mars orbiter mission was developed at a fraction of the cost spent on NASA's MAVEN probe.
"Islamic State continue to ignore our pleas to open dialogue,” Barbara Henning, wife of the British hostage, reportedly said.
David Cameron had, on Tuesday, said that the U.K could “not opt out of” the fight against the Islamic State group.
Walmart has partnered with Green Dot to offer low-cost checking accounts to its customers by the end of October.
After years of stagnation in yearly travel totals, Americans are back out on the road. Who's got the Woody Guthrie cassette?
If the former Florida governor isn't running, why is he making an appearance at an upcoming GOP fundraiser in South Carolina?
Sunni Arab states are supporting U.S. strikes against ISIS in Syria, but will have to deal with a worsening humanitarian crisis.
As European politicians debate their conflict mineral policies, human rights groups look to the U.S. as a model.
Fierce competition from Apple and other Samsung devices is causing a headache for the original phablet.
What's behind the major shift in Turkey's policies against the Islamic State group?
One of the key leaders of to al-Nusra Front has been killed in airstrikes in Syria, the group said in a statement.
Monday's "unprecedented" joint effort reveals the anxiety that ISIS has caused in the Middle East for majority-Sunni countries.
At the U.N. summit, U.S. and Chinese leaders both indicated their countries would set ambitious emissions reduction targets ... eventually.
American tech companies continue to use offshore profits to expand their portfolios rather than repatriate funds.
U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power cited Article 51 of the U.N. Charter to justify the airstrikes.
Militants already had moved their families to suburban locations and reportedly only went out under cover of darkness.