U.S. home builders sought fewer permits in August, but economists say the housing recovery continues at a modest pace.
The video purportedly shows British journalist John Cantlie promising to reveal "the truth" about the group.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will be available for pre-order starting Friday, but won't be on the markets until mid-October.
The billionaire electric car maker echoes what Nissan said last month about when self-driving cars could be ready.
President Obama vowed to deport serious, violent criminals before others, but many deportees have no criminal record.
The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell more than expected last week.
Thousands of tourists were still stranded in Baja California Wednesday as flights remained grounded.
NFL star Adrian Peterson, who's being investigated for child abuse, has sparked a national debate on physical discipline.
Malaysia Airlines condemned a book about Flight MH370, and also slammed a recent news report about another flight.
Lisa Coleman was reportedly sentenced in 2006 and put on death row for starving her girlfriend's son to death in 2004.
While government restrictions prevent small investors from buying stocks on foreign markets, large investors have other options.
Kiev has reportedly been asking for advanced military technology from the U.S., which the Obama administration has so far refused to provide.
Assistant Secretary of State Nisha Biswal said the WTO agreement to ease worldwide customs rules would "certainly" be a topic for conversation.
San Francisco official Scott Wiener said that he takes Truvada, and urged gay men to take the antiviral drug to combat the spread of HIV.
But, about 70 percent of all Americans surveyed in the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll said they approved of US airstrikes on ISIS.
The new U.S. program to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station will also accommodate tourists, for a hefty price.
After a two-month standstill, the U.S. will again turn its focus on Iran's nuclear program.
A senior member of the Islamic State militant group reportedly exhorted supporters in Australia to conduct public beheadings at random.
The Obama administration is adamant the battle against ISIS will not involve U.S. combat troops. What it will take to beat the militants.
The IPO of the Chinese e-commerce giant on Thursday will create winners and losers. A handy guide.
The House voted 273 to 156 to authorize the plan, a test of support for Obama's campaign to "degrade and destroy" ISIS.
The measure also contains a separately approved authorization for the Defense Department to arm moderate Syrian rebels to fight ISIS.