In 2011, Saudi Arabia had provided $10 million as seed money to establish the United Nations Counter Terrorism Centre.
In recent weeks, China has launched investigations into the local business practices of several foreign companies across sectors.
North Korea reportedly declined an invitation from church officials in the South to be there for Pope Francis' first visit to Asia.
Lenovo's core PC business, which still accounts for roughly 82 percent of sales, continued to tighten its grip on the market.
Barack Obama doesn't want to commit to a ground attack in Iraq again. But relying only on airstrikes, experts say, won't beat ISIS.
The NSA, not the Syrian government or rebel extremists, is responsible for blacking out the Syrian Internet.
Fracking fluid disclosure forms indicate well operators injected diesel into 351 wells without getting Safe Drinking Water Act permits.
It’s not easy to sue a terrorist organization, but you can sue its bank.
Inch by inch, Latin American countries are moving toward decriminalization of pot, yet full legalization is still far away.
With thousands of Yazidi people trapped on a mountain in Iraq, President Obama will weigh options next week.
Engineers have discovered hemp’s energy-saving properties.
Los Angeles lawmakers were set to vote on a plan to unwind an interest-rate deal that costs them tens of millions.
Regulators in the Lone Star State are proposing stronger guidelines for well operators following the recent seismic outbreak in North Texas.
Senators from both parties including the possible 2016 candidate are asking John Kerry to launch an investigation into UNRWA activity during the recent conflict in Gaza.
With the least amount of concern since the 2008 recession, Americans are now turning their attention away from the country's economic woes.
Interesting facts about being a lefty to celebrate Aug. 13, which is Left-Handers' day.
An ACLU suit could force the Defense Department to being treating Chelsea Manning for gender dysphoria.
The Perseids' peak took place on Tuesday but clouds, rain and a bright moon hindered viewing of the annual astronomy event.
Kellogg joins a wave of major food and beverage companies writing climate change into its supply-chain management strategies.
Russian supermarkets won't be overflowing with European products for much longer. Yet, at multinationals like McDonald's, Big Macs will thrive.
The country drew 84.7 million visitors in 2013.
U.S. consumer spending rebounded in the spring after a brutal winter slowed shopping. Now it's flatlining.