But the contraction is "nothing to worry about," London-based Capital Economics said.
States representing more than one quarter of U.S. car sales are stepping up promotions of cleaner cars.
The military has said it will conduct elections once leaders from all sides come to an agreement and maintain calm.
Special governing board has sparked concerns about just who is running the giant company that plans a big U.S. IPO.
Earlier this week, the Nigerian government reportedly called off a deal to swap the kidnapped schoolgirls for the militants in custody.
As global food prices continue to rise, evidence shows that perishable goods are the overwhelming driver behind the increase.
The engineer was reportedly grilled for about 10 hours earlier in May about his role in the controversy that has led to record vehicle recalls.
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West tied the knot on Saturday at the Forte di Belvedere in Florence, Italy.
The Expedition 40 crew will perform many research tasks focusing on areas including human research, biology, and Earth and space science.
The operation has been active since at least 2011 and could be the most elaborate cyber espionage campaign uncovered to date from any nation.
In an exclusive interview with NBC, Edward Snowden said he is not a spy for Russia and considers himself an American patriot.
The president was waiting for evidence of 'systemic' misconduct, which he now may have.
As pressure grows on Shinseki, the record shows questionable practices dating from the 1920s. Efforts at reform have long been frustrated.
Goldman Sachs analysts have predicted which team will win the World Cup -- and the effect on the economy. Their tip: Buy Brazil.
Released on Wednesday, the data shows the breakdown of diversity for Google's U.S. and worldwide workforce.
The health entries in the Web’s most popular crowdsourced encyclopedia are riddled with errors, a new study warns.
Get ready for driverless cars: These new two-seaters that look like a Little Tykes Cozy Coupe don’t even have a steering wheel or pedals.
Syrians forced to flee the country began voting on Wednesday -- but not all of them went to the polls for a sham election.
Beijing's order that state-owned enterprises not use management consultancies sends a chilling message to companies looking to invest there.
Sam Rosen, founder and chief executive officer of MakeSpace, discussed how he wants his new startup to be the "Reverse Amazon" of the tech space.
McCain told CNN Shinseki should step down after a report on the Phoenix VA hospital found more than 1,000 veterans waiting for care.
The allegations are the latest in a torrent from the government, which says three months of protests this year were a veneer for a U.S.-backed conspiracy to unseat the successor to late socialist leader Hugo Chavez.