The Ukraine crisis has affected many business models: here are 10.
T-Mobile in recent weeks has been quite vocal about the presale interest in its Galaxy S5 model.
The perfectly legal strategy helps companies substantially reduce their tax burden on profits earned in markets around the world.
There have been conflicting reports of the missing plane's last-known location, and confusion has surrounded the search process.
The Indian diplomat, who was accused of visa fraud and mistreating her maid, was arrested on Dec. 12 in New York.
A 777-200's cruising speed is 0.84 mach, which is about 640 miles per hour, while flying at an altitude of 35,000 feet.
Calling on Bayer AG to take responsibility for PCBs, a German environmental group plans to speak at the company’s annual stockholders’ meeting.
The Fox News host says Obama's appearance with Zach Galifianakis is unpresidential because Lincoln wouldn't have done the same thing.
Moldova is nervously watching the fate of Ukraine's autonomous region of Crimea as a sign of Russian encroachment.
The reason a large U.S. bank made a large loan to a troubled Mexican company could go beyond simple negligence.
What's more, Russia's dependence on crude sales may make it leery of further moves in Ukraine, U.S. officials hope.
Obalon, a new nonsurgical diet option, is a gastric balloon that's swallowed and inflates to help users feel full and drop up to 20 pounds in three months.
Check out who made it to the top of Forbes' list of the Most Overexposed Celebrities.
U.S. markets seem to be taking cues from their Asian and European counterparts, where concerns about China's growth weighed on sentiment.
The company’s ambitious ongoing agenda includes tapping into a $90 billion global tea market.
A judge in Shreveport ordered the release of Glenn Ford from the Louisiana State Penitentiary.
Girl Scouts of USA celebrates its 102nd birthday on March 12!
Girl Scouts of USA celebrates its 102nd birthday Wednesday.
The special election, fought over Obamacare, could be a bad sign for Democrats.
Oprah Winfrey gave a lucky Twitter follower one spectacular item.
"Royals" singer Lorde seemed offended she was asked if she was "Ellen together" with Taylor Swift.
A new report shows that iTunes Radio has become the third most used online radio service in the US, but Pandora internet radio is still the heavy favorite.