A list of 25 quotes attributed to Abraham Lincoln to celebrate his 205th birthday which falls on February 12, 2014.
Hockey highlights the schedule for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics on Wednesday, Feb. 12.
However, Sony promises 100 games are coming with the next-gen console.
Historically, institutional investors have favored gold. How about during the post-financial crisis era?
One quarterly stat institutional investors will scrutinize: Pepsi's sales in its declining North American beverage business.
AIG will likely deliver strong earnings growth in Q4 2013, as the year-earlier period was hit by Superstorm Sandy losses.
Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile are getting closer to each other -- and most of all, to China.
Volkswagen workers will decide by secret ballot whether to adopt the first German-style union structure in the United States.
FDA commissioner Margaret Hamburg met with government officials and 16 Indian drug companies to discuss manufacturing quality.
Both countries have held fewer than 20 rounds of reunions since 2000 and the last high-level meeting was held in 2007.
Brazilian farm exports could surpass $100 billion in 2014, says the Agriculture Ministry.
Only 28 Republicans voted yes in the 221-201 tally, as Boehner failed to bring his ranks along.
American snowboarder Shaun White failed to medal on Tuesday night at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
According to a new survey of teenagers and stress, U.S. teens’ stress levels now outpace those of adults, meaning the proverbial “troubled teenager” might be more troubled than previously thought.
Team USA is expected to finish the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics near the top of the gold medal list.
Recent study found that more and more kids are consuming caffeine, but what are the affects and should parents be worried?
Modi is currently campaigning across India, emboldened by polls that suggest he and the BJP will beat Congress.
The technique can be applied to future oil spills in surf zones.
More than 6,000 websites are helping their visitors beseech Congress in an Aaron Swartz-inspired protest against government surveillance.
The head of the EC’s antitrust efforts: Tax loopholes may include a “state aid component,” which would be anti-competitive.
U.S. Department of Defense cuts have heightened the airshow's importance. Here's why.
Speaker Boehner couldn't bring the votes for his original plan. Now he has to make nice with Democrats to pass the debt ceiling bill.