Brazil's ethanol industry has been a unique success, helping it achieve energy independence, but its sustainability remains a question.
Though the earnings season is winding down, results continue to boost growth estimates for the fourth quarter.
Historically, the U.S. has been the world's biggest corn exporter. But the landscape is rapidly changing.
U.S. stock index futures point to a slightly higher open on Friday ahead of the Bureau of Economic Analysis' trade deficit report.
Michelle Obama has announced that she plans to attend the funeral of Chicago teenager Hidiya Pendleton, who was killed in a shooting only a week after performing at President Obama’s inauguration.
The Justice Department and multiple states are discussing suing Moody's Corp. (NYSE:MCO) for defrauding investors, but they may wait until a similar lawsuit against rival Standard and Poor's is tested in the courts.
As Winter Storm Nemo prepares to hit much of the Northeastern United Stated and New England, some forecasters are saying that the storm could be worse than the 1978 blizzard that ravaged the Boston area.
Gossip magazines, such as People, Star, Us Weekly and In Touch, have seen their single-copy sales diminish over the last year, according to data from the Alliance for Audited Media.
The Times and Post broke a deal with the CIA by revealing a "secret" drone base in Saudi Arabia, but many wonder why it was protected at all.
A group of Syrian youths took a big risk on Thursday, staging a peaceful protest against the regime in central Damascus.
Code Pink members were among the protesters who caused Brennan’s confirmation hearing to be suspended. U.S. Sen. Diane Feinstein cleared the hearing room floor following the protests.
The National Weather Service issued the warning for NYC and much of the tri-state area; New England could receive up to 3 feet of snow.
Facebook has deleted all of the facial recognition data it held for European users after German and Irish authorities questioned its compliance with privacy laws.
Japan’s SoftBank Corp. (TYO:9984) said it had raised $250 million for a venture capital fund to invest in companies that have already gotten off the ground.
Prior to the shootings, Dorner allegedly composed a manifesto detailing who he planned to kill and why.
Iran's Supreme Ayatollah says that Iran "will not be intimidated" into negotiations with respect to its nuclear program.
Protesters forced lawmakers to temporarily recess within minutes of Brennan's opening statements.
Winter Storm Nemo has already forced airlines to cancel more than 1,000 flights across the Mid-Atlantic, New England and Southeastern Canada.
According to some major Japanese news sites, the PS4 will be priced at $400.
Sen. Fischer says she holds nominees to U.S. Secretary of Defense to higher standards.
Drone strikes and torture policy are likely to come up at John Brennan's hearing. Here are five questions senators are likely to ask.
Apple just seeded the first beta update to iOS 6.1, but the timing is somewhat curious, considering how the Evasi0n jailbreak for all iOS 6.x devices only went live two days ago.