Japanese airlines have grounded all their new Dreamliners after an emergency landing Wednesday. Nobody was hurt, but Boeing's image is.
The House finally passed a Sandy aid package worth $50.7 billion Tuesday, 11 weeks after the storm battered the New York and New Jersey region.
Chuck Hagel's chances of becoming U.S. defense secretary got a critical boost Tuesday when two leading Senate Democrats came out in favor of confirming him following assurances on Israel and the treatment of gay and lesbian servicemen.
On Tuesday evening, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the nation's first gun control law since the Dec. 14 shooting spree that left 20 children, six adults and shooter Adam Lanza dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The move came about an hour after the New York state Assembly approved it, and a day after the state Senate did the same.
The U.S. is pushing ahead with the sale of 20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt, despite concerns over the state of the Egyptian government.
American flu vaccination rates have historically been dismal, but lowering the cost of the shot or even making it free could be a public health boon.
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is keeping its longtime Doomsday Clock at five minutes to midnight for 2013, and the committee of scientists and Nobel Laureates is urging President Barack Obama to address the threat of global climate change.
Apple is finally ready to sell the cellular-capable iPad Mini and fourth-generation iPad to its customers in China.
From where to stay to what events you don't want to miss, here's everything you need to know about Inauguration Day 2013 in Washington, D.C.
Charlie Sheen told David Letterman Monday that he's nervous about becoming a grandfather.
Nobody's neutral on Apple as the share price continues to swoon, erasing nearly all its gains of 2012.
The Donald has endorsed American politicians before. Now he has surprisingly branched out overseas to support his friend ahead of Israel's Jan. 22 election.
Facebook's Graph Search is a feature designed to help users index and navigate through all of the content in their social network.
It is unclear what route those ancient Indians took to get to Australia.
Brewer, an outspoken Obama administration and ACA critic, said implementing the Medicaid expansion is the right financial decision for Arizona.
The embattled cyclist had previously denied using performance-enhancing drugs.
More technology leaders introduced products for the $2.5 trillion U.S. retail sector at the National Retail Federation show.
The circumstances of Natalie Wood's mysterious 1981 drowning have come under further scrutiny after a new coroner review of her autopsy report.
Being the prime minister of Pakistan may be, arguably, one of the most insecure political jobs in the world.
Days after Aaron Swartz committed suicide in his Brooklyn apartment on Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice formally dismissed all pending charges against the 26-year-old on Monday evening.
President Obama's half-brother Malik plans to run for governor in Kenya.
Nicki Minaj stopped by the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno and discussed Mariah Carey, "American Idol," her temper, and more!