rs of the banned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades were behind the assault on the Benghazi embassy on Tuesday, using the pretext of an inflammatory online video depicting the Islamic prophet Mohamed to launch the attack which killed Christopher Stevens, according to sources.
Less than 24 hours after the U.S. government reported it was mostly done with its money-losing bailout of AIG, a Bloomberg News article out Tuesday explained how Wall Street banks are setting themselves up for the next systemic crisis by playing at financial alchemy in the derivatives market.
Fresh violence erupted near the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, some 24 hours after a violent mob illegally entered the embassy building and burned the U.S. flag while protesting an anti-Islamic film.
An angry mob protesting against a controversial anti-Islam film stormed the U.S. Embassy compound in Sanaa, Yemen's capital, on Thursday.
Facebook Inc. (FB), Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) and Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) face fresh patent suits from a University of California patent licensee, which sued some of the biggest U.S. companies previously, Reuters reported.
The U.S. stock index futures point to a lower open Thursday as investors maintained a cautious mode ahead of the Federal Reserve meeting in which there is the likelihood of another round of quantitative easing measures to be announced to invigorate the economy.
Most of the European markets fell Thursday as investors remained watchful waiting for the U.S. Federal Reserve to announce stimulus measures to revive the economic growth.
Most of the Asian markets made gains Thursday as investors remained hopeful waiting for the policymakers in the U.S. to announce monetary easing measures to boost the global economy and rejuvenate the economic growth momentum.
A professor at American University has found herself in the middle of a controversy after she decided to breast-feed her child while teaching her class. Adrienne Pine, who teaches “Sex, Gender, and Culture” at the Washington D.C. school, is being criticized for breast-feeding her baby in front of 40 students.
In a new interview with Rolling Stone, legendary rock and folk musician Bob Dylan spoke up about America’s troubled history of slavery. The American icon said that the United States may never be able to get rid of the shame of being "founded on the backs of slaves."
One of the best-performing sectors this year was also one of the hardest hit by the recession: homebuilders, whose stocks have outpaced the broader market with a modest rebound in home prices and increased demand for properties, but much of recovery has unevenly benefited the luxury sector.
Samsung’s Galaxy S3, the company’s flagship smartphone of 2012, is projected to reach another 10 million unit sales before the year’s end. Samsung believes that its Galaxy S3 will achieve more than 30 million in global sales by the end of 2012, an executive said to the Yonhap News Agency.
Researchers measured 36 people who had suffered a stroke within the last 3 years for signs of depression, and found that male subjects were more likely to feel depressed by their precarious health than the female participants.
The Middle East is looking increasingly unsteady with the attacks in Libya and the protests in Egypt, which may further deter the U.S. from eventually intervening in Syria.
Sites like the Pirate Bay and uTorrent haven't enticed hundreds of millions of people to download endless amounts of free media content without making a few enemies. Those BitTorrent giants - and others like them - have built their businesses by outwitting the seemingly hapless MPAA and RIAA. The increased acceptance of illegally downloading media has affected the bottom line of the movie and music industry over the past decade, and that isn't good news for torrent fans.
The U.S. and its allies have long sought to pressure Russia and China into backing such a statement against Iran, amidst fears that Israel would unilaterally attack Iran in a pre-emptive measure in lieu of finding a diplomatic solution to the crisis.
The good news? For the first time in three years, the number of uninsured Americans dropped in 2011. The bad news? Income inequality is on the rise.
A radical Islamic group could be behind the Tuesday attack against the U.S. Consulate in the Libyan city of Benghazi. Few, but well armed, the militants can wreak serious havoc in Libya's chaotic new democracy.
The U.S. may soon send drones over Libya to help hunt down the perpetrators of the attack on its consulate in Benghazi, which killed four people including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Whether that means the U.S. will rely on Libyan forces to carry out attacks, or will act on its own, remains highly speculative.
Apple Inc on Wednesday took the wraps off the iPhone 5, the thinnest-ever version of a smartphone that yields the majority of its profit and helped it become the world's most valuable corporation.
Communist Party officials have been reticent to comment on Xi’s condition.
Apple has officially announced the release of its upcoming iPhone 5 at today's press event, alongside a new line of iPod Nanos and iPad Touch devices. But just as important as the iOS devices themselves are the accessories that go with them, and Apple has announced that an 8-pin Lightning dock connector will be featured with the new iPhone 5 and iPods.