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Call It What It Is: A Civil War In Syria

What is so special about the term civil war, and why are governments, media and analysts shying away from openly using that label to describe what's happening in Syria?

House Vote On Holder Contempt Expected Thursday

The House will decide Thursday whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for refusing to turn over all documents demanded by lawmakers investigating a botched U.S.-Mexico gun running sting, a highly placed staff member said Monday night.
Colorado Wildfire

Colorado Wildfires Threaten Summer Tourism

Blazing wildfires have the tourist-dependent communities of northern and central Colorado on edge as dramatic images of flaming vacation homes permeate the evening news.
A screen shot of a web browser displaying the WikiLeaks website with a picture of its founder Julian Assange in Bern

US Leftists Back Ecuador Asylum For Assange

More than 4,000 Americans signed a petition in support of Wikileaks founder?s Julian Assange application for asylum in Ecuador because he could be ?held incommunicado? if extradited to Sweden or possibly taken to the U.S.


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