US Urges Cambodia To Hold Free Elections

The U.S. Tuesday urged Cambodia to allow full participation in the general elections next year and also free the 13 women being imprisoned for protesting a property development.
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Hillary Clinton

India and the United States: A Focus on the Fundamentals

This week, leaders from India and the United States will gather in Washington to discuss our expanding cooperation on everything from trade to technology to terrorism. There also will be issues on which we don't see eye to eye, and some of those may dominate the media coverage.
Lance Armstrong

Anti-Doping Agency Charges Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong, America's most famous cyclist, is facing formal doping charges from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency that could cost him his seven Tour de France titles, it emerged late Wednesday.
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Being Heavy May Help Men With One Type of Cancer [STUDY]

Of more than 2,500 U.S. veterans with an aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, men who were obese at diagnosis had only about two-thirds the risk of dying during the study period that normal-weight men had, after considering other factors like age and overall health.
Gold Rises For 4th Day, Eyes Technical Resistance

Gold, Metals Rising in Anticipation of Monetary Stimulus

Precious and industrial metals have been moving higher over the past few sessions in spite of fundamentals, suggesting commodities traders are loading up on the physical assets in anticipation of seeing at least one of the world's major central banks turn on the money spigots later this month.
Dinner With Barack

Dinner with Barack: Hardly a Liberal Experience

Dinner with Barack -- for the liberal Democrat, few things sound better than free food with their fearless leader. Four prize dinners with the Great One -- awarded by drawing -- have come and gone; but have no fear, Dinner with Barack V is here.
IMF and U.S.

G-20 Preview: Big Bucks From BRICs For More IMF Influence

Something strange is going to take place next week at the G-20 summit: Europe, long accustomed to sending aid through the International Monetary Fund to developing nations, will pass a collection plate to many of those same countries. But to get such help, which could be as much as $105 billion from four major emerging economies, European nations will have to surrender some control of the IMF.
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Didn't Spain Just Get a Bailout?

It seems that since the very beginning of the European debt crisis the half-life of announced bailout measures is steadily contracting

What 'Goodfellas' Got Wrong

Goodfellas was the greatest gangster movie ever made, but it took a lot of creative license when it came to its characters.
A drilling rig in the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas

Natural Gas Industry To Create 1.5M Jobs By 2015: IHS

The U.S. natural gas industry will create 1.5 million jobs by 2015, in large part because of the surge in production from unconventional shale beds that require hydraulic fracturing, according to an IHS study released Wednesday.


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