U.S. Wants India to Play Greater Role in Afghanistan

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India is expected play an active role in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of international forces in the region, said U.S. officials on arrival of the U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta in New Delhi on Tuesday.
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Gold Ticks Up Before Emergency Euro Conference

Gold edged up Tuesday as oil and equities gained ahead of emergency talks by the Group of Seven leading industrialized powers, which will discuss the deepening problems in the euro zone that threaten to spur a global economic meltdown.
Gold prospector

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Jon Corzine May Face Lawsuit In MF Global Inquiry

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Eduardo Verástegui

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People touch the Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall, etched with the names of more than 58,000 U.S. servicemen and women who died in the war, as they visit on Memorial Day weekend in Washington, May 27, 2012.

Vietnam Opens Search For American MIAs

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