Gold stayed nearly flat in thin trade on Friday, on track to log declines for two of the past three weeks as investors took to the sidelines ahead of a key U.S. option expiration and a Federal Reserve policy meeting next week.

Gold Set For 1 Pct Weekly Drop; Options, Fed Eyed

Gold stayed nearly flat in thin trade on Friday, on track to log declines for two of the past three weeks as investors took to the sidelines ahead of a key U.S. option expiration and a Federal Reserve policy meeting next week.
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IPad Shipping Time Improves To 5-7 Days

It seems Apple is catching up with the backlog of new iPad '3' orders. The estimated shipping time on their website currently stands at 5-7 weeks, which is a dramatic improvement from the initial 3-4 week wait period
U.S. President Barack Obama buys a bone for his dog Bo in Alexandria

Barack Obama, Eater of Dogs

Last week, Mitt Romney got in trouble for talking about riding horses. This week, President Barack Obama is in trouble because he used to eat dog meat.
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Wall Street jumps on solid corporate earnings

Stocks rose on Friday, putting the S&P 500 on pace for its biggest gain in the past five weeks, after earnings from a slew of bellwether companies propelled what has been a solid earnings season to date.
IMF raises its GDP growth forecast for the U.S.

IMF Eyes BRICS To Meet $400B Fundraising Goal

The International Monetary Fund is eyeing Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, a bloc of countries commonly known as BRICS, to meet its goal, set by the institution's managing director Christine Lagarde, to raise at least $400 billion of additional funds to safeguard the global financial system against the euro zone sovereign debt crisis.

McDonald's 1Q Profits Jump Despite Euro Zone Woes

McDonald's Corp. met analysts' expectations in first-quarter revenue and profit growth, as economic troubles in Europe did not to put a dent in the world's largest restaurant chain's balance sheet, the company reported on Friday.
A patient waits in the hallway for a room to open up in the emergency room at a hospital in Houston, Texas

1 In 4 Americans Without Health Coverage [STUDY]

As the U.S. Supreme Court ponders the fate of healthcare reform in the current election year, a study released on Thursday shows that one in four working-age Americans went without insurance at some point in 2011, often as a result of unemployment and other job changes.
Babies conceived through certain fertility treatment techniques are about one-third more likely to have a birth defect than babies conceived without any extra help from technology, according to a review of several dozen studies.

Birth Defects More Common In IVF Babies [STUDY]

Babies conceived through certain fertility treatment techniques are about one-third more likely to have a birth defect than babies conceived without any extra help from technology, according to a review of several dozen studies.


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