Iran has issued what could be the final execution order for Youcef Nadarkhani, the Christian pastor who was found guilty of renouncing Islam.
Today is National Margarita Day! Restaurants and bars across the United States will feature the popular cocktail made of tequila, triple sec (often Cointreau) and lemon or lime juice. Many bartenders have claimed to have invented the popular tequila drink; however, the cocktail's true history remains a mystery. Where did the delicious margarita come from?
Rumors surrounding the highly anticipated Samsung Galaxy S3 signaled to a March release date, but new reports claim the phone will not be out until the summer of 2012.
Stocks fell on Wednesday with the S&P 500 stalled near a 10-month-old high after weak data on Europe's business activity raised concerns about a recession.
A branch of the New York State Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the Town of Dryden can prohibit the gas drilling hydraulic fracturing within its borders. The decision could embolden other New York municipalities to impose similar bans, potentially upending the primacy of state law over the oil and gas industries.
Russia has thwarted efforts by the West to officially condemn and sanction Syria and force Assad to step down
2012 Oscar nominee The Descendants strips Hawaii of its exotic tropes and offers a glimpse of paradise rarely seen by tourists.
U.S. home resales rose to a 1-1/2 year high in January, pushing the supply of properties on the market to the lowest level in almost seven years in a hopeful sign for the housing sector.
U.S. home resales surged in January to a 1-1/2 year high and the supply of properties on the market was the lowest in almost seven years, pointing to a nascent housing recovery.
U.S. troops sent to Iraq or Afghanistan are more likely to start a smokeless tobacco habit than their comrades who stay home -- especially if they see combat, a new study finds.
A super PAC supporting President Barack Obama in his re-election campaign released its first ad Wednesday, blasting Republican Mitt Romney for his opposition to the program of government loans to rescue General Motors and Chrysler.
A new Borderlands 2 trailer has been released, and the game is expected to come out in September.
Counterfeit drugs pose a significant threat to public health, but sales of fake drugs grows steadily.
T-Mobile USA Inc. asked regulators in a filing on Tuesday to block Verizon Wireless (NYSE:VZW)'s bid to buy airwaves from cable companies, arguing that the move would pose a clear threat to competition.
Graham’s statement that Christians are being murdered in Muslim nations is not entirely false – but he is greatly exaggerating the problem’s true dimensions.
Robert Pattinson has opened up about performing sex scenes in his new steamy film, Bel Ami, where he plays the part of a young man in 19th century Paris, who manipulates influential and wealthy women (not including Kristen Stewart) to rise to power.
Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum may be surging in the polls ahead of Mitt Romney just a week before the Arizona and Michigan primaries, but that has come along with intense media scrutiny and the discovery of rather controversial comments.
Russian officials have warned that an Israeli strike on Iran would be nothing short of catastrophic.
U.S. stocks fell on Wednesday with the S&P 500 stalled near a 10-month-old high after weak data on Europe's business activity raised concerns about a recession.
Jeremy Lin: The Reason for the Linsanity a new book chronicling the dramatic rise of the New York Knicks point guard is set to be released in May.
Seven people were killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday during protests over the burning of the Koran at a NATO base near Kabul.