Doubts on Greece Deal Weigh on Asian Stocks, Euro

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The euro and Asian shares pulled back Friday as investors remained concerned about prospects of restructuring Greece's debt and global lenders demanded more steps even after it struck a long-awaited deal on fiscal reforms.
Residents attend a burial ceremony for what activists say are victims of shelling by the Syrian army

Bloodbath Looms in Homs as Assad Masses Tanks for Assault

Tanks amassed outside opposition neighborhoods in Homs Friday as Alawite-led forces bombarded the Syrian city for the fifth day and residents expected a major push to subdue the center of revolt against President Bashar al-Assad's rule
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Activision slows World of Warcraft declines

Activision Blizzard Inc's quarterly sales beat Wall Street expectations on Thursday as the video game publisher lost fewer World of Warcraft subscribers than it did a quarter ago.
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Calpers Seeking Support for Apple Board Proposal

Calpers, the largest U.S. pension fund, is seeking support for a longstanding proposal to get Apple Inc to require a majority vote before electing unopposed candidates to the company's board.
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Internet firms aren't broadcasters: court

Internet service providers are not broadcasters, and don't need to adhere to strict rules designed to boost Canadian content on domestic television and radio, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on Thursday.
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PepsiCo's Plan Leaves Some Investors Thirsting for More

PepsiCo Inc Chief Executive Indra Nooyi laid out a plan to turn around the company's North American soft drink business that includes ramping up advertising, cutting thousands of jobs and a bigger-than-expected decline in near-term earnings.
John Boehner

Republicans Push for Action on Payroll Tax

Republicans expressed frustration Thursday at the slow pace of negotiations over extending a tax break for workers that expires at the end of the month, accusing President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats of blocking agreement.
Natural Gas - Fracking

Third Company Scales Back U.S. Shale Operations

With the price of natural gas so low, BG Group has become the latest company to scale back their shale natural gas production in the United States, in what could be the start of a temporary retreat from the gas industry in the country.
Athens demonstrators

Greece Bailout Plan Details Disdained In Brussels, at Home

Hours after Greece's ruling coalition announced it had concluded an 11th-hour agreement on new austerity measures in an effort to satisfy foreign lenders, it seemed that everyone - from creditors abroad to political allies back home - was turning on the Greek leadership.
The sign marking the MF Global Holdings Ltd. offices at 52nd Street in midtown Manhattan is seen in New York

Analysis: Criminal Trail Going Cold at MF Global

When commodities brokerage MF Global imploded, the FBI and federal prosecutors were quick to launch an investigation to pursue what seemed obvious to outspoken regulators and lawmakers: laws were broken and crimes were committed.
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No Child Left Behind: Obama grants 10 states leeway on education law

President Barack Obama said on Thursday he was granting 10 states exemptions from parts of the No Child Left Behind education law, a move that could prove popular in an election year with parents and teachers who have criticized the law - but raises concern among some advocates for low-income and minority students.
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U.S. bank regulators roll fines into mortgage pact

The Federal Reserve announced on Thursday it has reached an agreement with five U.S. banks on penalties totaling $766.5 million over problems in their mortgage servicing businesses as part of a larger $25 billion foreclosure deal struck between the banks and state and federal agencies.
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Bank regulators roll fines into mortgage pact

The Federal Reserve announced on Thursday it has reached an agreement with five U.S. banks on penalties totaling $766.5 million over problems in their mortgage servicing businesses as part of a larger $25 billion foreclosure deal struck between the banks and state and federal agencies.

401k Savings Up Slightly in 2011: Fidelity

U.S. workers contributed more to their 401(k) plans in 2011, while average balances at year’s end also rose slightly, according to a quarterly survey by Fidelity Investments.
Apple iPhone Release Date Countdown: Six Smartphones that Could Beat the Apple iPhone 5

How iPhone 5 Could Free Consumers From Wireless Contracts

Once Apple releases the iPhone 5, mobile carriers in the U.S. might actually see how much sense it makes to release consumers from their expensive and constricting wireless contracts. That's because Sprint, AT&T and Verizon collectively lost more nearly $10 billion on iPhone sales over the last three months of 2011. That's the time of year they sell the most phones because of the holiday shopping season. But, because the big three pay nearly $600 to Apple per iPhone, those holiday sales ju...


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