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Ericsson Q4 lags forecasts, challenges ahead

World No.1 mobile network gear maker Ericsson missed fourth-quarter profit forecasts, hit by lower demand from the United States and Russia, and said weak margins and cautiousness from its operator clients would continue in the short term.

Analysis: Shipping signal gnaws at market optimism

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A nightmare on world freight markets, where shipping prices have been decimated over the past four years, is gnawing at New Year optimism about a stabilizing world economy and shows how adept investors can be at tuning out 'inconvenient' information.
President Obama Speaks at the 2012 State of the Union

State of the Union Speech 2012: Is Obama's Immigration Remark a True Copy of Last Year's Speech?

President Barack Obama dealt with the issue of illegal immigration in detail in his 2012 State of the Union address, but a close scrutiny reveals that several sections in this year's speech bear striking similarity to corresponding parts in the previous year's address. The big question now ... is this the fault of his speechwriter or is it really the case that the Obama administration has been so bogged down with the issue of illegal immigration that it has not moved past its 2010-11 stand...
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State of the Union 2012

State of the Union 2012: Obama Focuses on Jobs, Economic Fairness

President Barack Obama Tuesday used his 2012 state of the union address to the American people and Congress to propose initiatives to create jobs, help companies increase their U.S.-based operations, and help Americans learn the skills they need to succeed in the modern/postmodern global economy.
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New Zealand court refuses bail for Megaupload founder

The founder of online file-sharing website Megaupload, accused of masterminding a scheme that allegedly made more than $175 million through Internet piracy and illegal file sharing, was ordered held in custody by a New Zealand court on Wednesday.
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Jim Carrey's Daughter on American Idol: 'Something to Talk About' (VIDEOS)

Actor Jim Carrey's daughter made the cut on American Idol, singing Something to Talk About.She's given viewers something to talk about all right, as some are wondering if Jane Carrey got special treatment on Sunday night's special San Diego episode. She got a ticket to Hollywood, singing Bonnie Raitt's Let's Give Them Something to Talk About.
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NZ court refuses bail for Megaupload founder

The founder of online file-sharing website Megaupload, accused of masterminding a scheme that made more than $175 million in a few years by infringing copyrighted content without authorization, was refused bail in a New Zealand court on Wednesday.
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Google to unify privacy policy across products

Google Inc plans to unify its privacy policy and terms of service across its online offerings, including its flagship search, Gmail and Google+ products, to make them easier to use, but the move could attract greater scrutiny from anti-trust regulators.

Sheldon Adelson: Who Is Newt Gingrich's Super PAC Benefactor?

Newt Gingrich's resurgent presidential campaign owes much to the casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam, who have in the last few weeks given a combined $10 million to the pro-Gingrich Super PAC Restore Our Future. With two separate infusions of $5 million, the Adelson have played an outsize role in shaping the outcome of the Republican presidential primary, raising questions about who Sheldon Adelson is and why he is motivated to back Gingrich so aggressively.
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Apple's revenue surges, blows away targets

Apple Inc's quarterly results blew past Wall Street's expectations as U.S. consumers snapped up near-record numbers of iPhones and iPads, sending its shares up 8 percent.
Customers look at Samsung Electronics' Galaxy Tab tablet computers at a store in Seoul

Apple Loses to Samsung on Dutch Sales of Galaxy Tablets

Samsung won the latest round of its legal battles with Apple Tuesday when a Dutch judge ruled its appeal insufficient to block Samsung tablets for stealing Apple designs. It's a double victory for Samsung because the Netherlands is an important distribution center for the rest of Europe.


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