Eurozone to pursue crisis action

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European finance ministers will pursue plans on Monday to enhance the IMF's arsenal and press on with a drive for tighter fiscal rules in an attempt to assuage doubts they can overcome their sovereign debt crisis.

What the Future Holds for Employment in the Garden State

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Recently, non-farm employment in New Jersey has been shaky, with employment falling in two of the last three months. Much of the job loss has been in the leisure and hospitality and information sectors, said an economist at Wells Fargo Securities.
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iPhone's A5 Processors Now Born in the USA

Apple has been relying on its Asian manufacturers for production and assembly of its popular gadgets. But Apple’s A5 chip, which powers the new iPhone 4S and the iPad 2, is now being manufactured in the United States of America, specifically Texas, according to reports.
Newt Gingrich

Gingrich: Arrest Judges who Defy President

Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich threatened Sunday to have federal judges arrested if they disagreed with his policies as president, ratcheting up his attacks on the judiciary as he tries to halt a slide in his campaign.
U.S. Congress

House Republican Opposition Puts Payroll Tax Cut Deal in Doubt

One day after saying he favored the payroll tax reduction extension agreement approved by the U.S. Senate, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said he and his caucus will oppose the tax reduction deal. Boehner said House Republicans now want additional budget reductions to finance the extension agreement.
A prison cell along cell block "B" is shown at Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay in San Francisco, California

NDAA and SOPA Bills Aim to Quash Dissent

The real purpose of the SOPA and NDAA bills is to target Occupy Wall Street, Anonymous and other web-based movements that have fueled revolutionaries both here and abroad.
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House Republicans Oppose Senate Payroll Tax Bill

The fate of an expiring tax break for 160 million American workers was in doubt on Sunday after the top Republican lawmaker declared his opposition to a two-month extension passed overwhelmingly by the Senate.
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U.S. offers 11 Swiss banks deal to end tax row: paper

U.S. officials are offering 11 Swiss banks, among them Credit Suisse , a deal that allows them to avoid criminal prosecution in exchange for revealing full details of their U.S. offshore business to Washington, a paper reported on Sunday.
U.S. Congress

U.S. Senate OKs Payroll-Tax Cut, $915B Spending Bill

The U.S. Senate OK'd on Saturday a $1 trillion bill to fund the government and a two-month extension of the payroll-tax cut, capping a contentious political year while preparing the arena for a fresh battle in 2012.


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