By leveraging the company's advantages in grocery and its store base, the new service can boost sales, reward customers, and lock in a loyal customer base.
Sylvan Adams, Israel's billionaire roving 'ambassador'
The survey of analysts from 11 institutions pegged China's growth at 1.3 percent -- a far cry from the 6.1 percent expansion posted last year but in better shape than other countries still grappling with the contagion.
Start-up city: Vietnam's young invest ideas in Ho Chi Minh
Technology companies are a "pocket of certainty" in a time of economic weakness, said Quincy Krosby, chief market strategist at Prudential Financial.
US town grows money from trees during pandemic downturn
Senior staff leave gaming firm Ubisoft in harassment probe
UN restarts cross-border aid to Syria but shuts access point
Stone, 67, had been set to begin serving a 40-month prison term on Tuesday after his conviction on seven felony charges originally brought by Mueller as part of the Russia collusion probe.
Bulgarian president calls on 'mafia-type' government to resign
As virus rages in US, Trump finally wears a mask
UN restarts cross-border aid to Syria in reduced form: diplomats
Trump walked past reporters and did not stop to speak to them about what had become a hotly anticipated moment.
Both Trump's poor approval ratings during his reelection campaign could be compared to his predecessor Barack Obama, who also faced an uphill battle for a second term.
Tropical storm Fay, now a post-tropical low, continues to move thorough the northeastern United States, making its way towards southeastern Canada.
Erdogan rebuffs criticism over Hagia Sophia conversion to mosque
In a time when social distancing and stay-at-home orders have made on-site treatment difficult, patients could receive care without inadvertently exposing themselves to the coronavirus -- a particularly significant risk for people with chronic conditions.
Vaxart claims that its oral tablets have a number of advantages over injectable liquids, including greater environmental friendliness, a smaller logistical footprint for clinics, and most importantly, superior efficacy for droplet- or aerosol-based infectious diseases like COVID-19.
Another stimulus check will likely be included in the next financial aid package, as Democrats and the Trump administration believe another round of direct payments will be needed.
The Hagia Sophia was built in the 6th century as a Christian cathedral, became a Mosque in 1453 and a museum in 1935.
The quest to find signs of ancient life on Mars
Ghana library showcases black and African literature