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Occupy Wall Street protesters meditate while a sign bearing their twitter handle hangs from a railing in Zuccotti Park in New York

Is Occupy Wall Street Protesting in the Wrong ZIP Code?

Occupy Wall Street has camped out at Zucotti Park in Lower Manhattan for weeks, but it probably isn't reaching as many bankers as it could. Which could have something to do with the fact that finance is no longer the area's biggest tenant.
Ron Paul

Will Attack Ads Help Ron Paul's 2012 Presidential Campaign? [VIDEO]

GOP primary candidate Ron Paul is the first to launch a series of harsh campaign ads in early voting states, spending over $2 million dollars for ads in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina. But will it be enough to raise Paul's chances, as the libertarian firebrand continues to lag behind Mitt Romney, Herman Cain and Rick Perry? Or will they be just enough to keep his presence in the debates?
A motorist pumps fuel into his vehicle at JJ's Express Gas Plus station in Phoenix gas station in Phoenix

Eni Mozambique find fuels East Africa gas buzz

Italian oil group Eni said on Thursday it had made a giant natural gas discovery off Mozambique, the biggest in its history, confirming expectations that East Africa is set to emerge as a major gas exporter after recent finds.
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BlackBerry maker accused of infringing BBX trademark

BBX, the operating system that Research In Motion is counting on to revive its floundering BlackBerry franchise, has run into trouble even before the company could install the system in its smartphone line.


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