Opening Day for the iPhone 4S Starts Early

iPhone 4S customers in line
It was 68 degrees by 8:00 in the morning Friday, but the loyal fans who had lined up outside the Apple Store at 1 Stockton Street in San Francisco had already braved (slightly) less hospitable temperatures.
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William Colby (R) and President Gerald Ford and his Cabinet and Colby Family are pictured in the Oval Office at the White House as Colby receives the National Security Medal

Film looks at life of ex-spymaster William Colby

When the body of former CIA director William Colby was found underwater near his vacation home in Rockpoint, Maryland 15 years ago, no one suspected murder, but his son Carl Colby has never ruled it out.
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AMR management, pilots move ahead on contract talks

American Airlines, a unit of AMR Corp , and its pilots planned weekend contract talks amid fresh signs the two could be nearing a deal after five years of mostly bitter bargaining, chiefly over wages and job protection.
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Wall Street racks up second week of gains

Stocks scored their first back-to-back weekly gains since early July on Friday, on strong Google earnings and as investors kept riding the optimism for a solution to the euro zone's debt crisis.
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Obama sends US military advisers to Uganda

President Barack Obama said on Friday he was sending about 100 U.S. military advisers to Uganda to support central African allies pursuing Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army, and other rebel commanders.
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Sprint says iPhone sales beat expectations

Sprint Nextel said on Friday that sales of Apple Inc iPhones surpassed its expectations and that iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S broke the device family one-day sales record for the No. 3 U.S. mobile service.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy promised to unveil a plan by month's end to bail out the Eurozone

Dow Jumps 5 Percent This Week: 6 Reasons Why

U.S. equities ended the week strong on Friday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average rising 1.45 percent, the S&P 500 climbing 1.74 percent, and the Nasdaq Composite rallying 1.82 percent.
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Budget gap widens; above $1 trillion for third year

The budget gap widened slightly in fiscal 2011, staying above $1 trillion for a third straight year and providing fodder for a political battle over taxes and spending ahead of next year's presidential election.


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