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Moody's puts U.S. ratings on review for downgrade

The United States may lose its top-notch credit rating in the next few weeks if lawmakers fail to increase the country's legal borrowing limit and the government misses debt payments, Moody's Investors Service warned on Wednesday.
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Wall Street up as JPMorgan lifts debt gloom

Stocks rose after the open on Thursday as higher profit from JPMorgan offset concern about Moody's threat to downgrade the United States' top credit rating if the federal debt ceiling is not raised.
Rupert Murdoch

Phone Hacking: Rupert Murdoch Refuses to Testify to Parliment

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch and his son James Murdoch refused Thursday to appear before a parliamentary committee investigating alleged phone-hacking and bribery done by employees of their British media empire. Whittingdale asked the three to appear in a week, on July 19, a representative told CNN.
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German media mogul Leo Kirch dies at age 84

German media tycoon Leo Kirch died on Thursday after years of illness and without ever resolving his protracted battle with Deutsche Bank, one of Germany's most bitter, drawn-out corporate disputes.
At Issue: U.S. Debt Ceiling

Moody's May Downgrade U.S. Debt, If Crisis Isn't Resolved

Moody's Investors Service has placed the Aaa bond rating of the U.S. Government on review for a possible downgrade, due to the debt deal talks stalemate in Washington, and the possibility of a U.S. debt default, the credit rating agency announced. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke also said a default would trigger a major crisis.
Borders Bookstore

Borders Liquidation is Long Overdue

Borders is nearing liquidation after its takeover bid has been rejected, but that's no surprise to those in traditional publishing circles. For them, Borders has been long gone.
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Climate scientists to use robots in Indian Ocean

Climate scientists have turned to the United States and Australian navies to deploy robotic measuring devices in the Indian Ocean where pirates have made the area too dangerous for researchers.


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