Many homeowners are turning into landlords -- reluctantly sometimes, when they have to move but cannot sell their homes.
Abbott Laboratories Inc said its third-quarter profit rose 37 percent on strong demand for its Humira arthritis drug and nutritional products, as well as gains from a settlement with Medtronic Inc.
The world may have to wait until the dying seconds of a U.N. climate summit in December for a global deal to channel business dollars into low-carbon energy, industry and analysts said on Wednesday.
Oil rose more than 1 percent toward $75 a barrel on Wednesday, boosted by a weak dollar and optimism about a global economic rebound that will lead to higher energy demand.
JPMorgan Chase & Co has gradually increased the risk it takes trading commodities and the second-largest U.S. bank is approaching levels last seen before the financial crisis rocked global markets.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc said on Wednesday it will begin offering two new no-contract wireless service plans at its U.S. discount stores, including a $30 prepaid plan that includes 1,000 minutes.
The Dow Jones industrials climbed to within striking distance of 10,000 on Wednesday for the first time in a year on better-than-expected company results and U.S. retail sales data.
General Electric Co unveiled two investments in start-up clean technology businesses on Wednesday as part of its strategy of focusing on ways for business to generate and use energy more efficiently.
General Electric Co unveiled two investments in startup clean technology businesses on Wednesday as part of its strategy of focusing on ways for business to generate and use energy more efficiently.
Pakistani aircraft bombed Taliban fighters in their South Waziristan bastion on Wednesday as more soldiers and tanks moved in for an expected offensive against the militant hub.
A U.S. congressional committee started nailing down details of a bill to regulate over-the-counter derivatives on Wednesday, seeking to advance a key part of the Obama administration's broad plan to tighten bank and capital markets oversight.
The New Jersey governor's race is virtually tied between Democratic incumbent Jon Corzine and Republican Christopher Christie after months in which the challenger held the lead, a poll released on Wednesday said.
Palestinians will not be pushed into accepting the Mickey Mouse state which Israel has in mind for them as part of a peace deal, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad warned Wednesday.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrapped up a European tour Wednesday by calling on Russia to uphold human rights and prevent attacks on activists who challenge the Kremlin.
The Dow Jones industrials neared the 10,000 milestone on Wednesday for the first time in a year as robust results from JPMorgan Chase & Co and Intel Corp boosted the outlook for earnings.
Private equity giant Blackstone Group's chief executive said the worst of the industry's problems had passed, with improved capital and equity markets finally providing an opportunity to do deals and sell existing investments through IPOs.
Bicycle injuries in the US have become more severe and there has been a marked increase in chest and stomach injuries.
Stocks jumped on Wednesday after JPMorgan Chase & Co posted a surge in profit, following stronger numbers from Intel Corp a day earlier in an auspicious start to third-quarter earnings season.
U.S. retail and food services sales fell 1.5 percent in September compared with August due mostly to a sharp decline in motor vehicle and parts sales, the U.S. Commerce Department reported on Wednesday.
JPMorgan Chase & Co quarterly profit rocketed to forecast-beating $3.6 billion as bond trading revenue surged, boosting optimism about a strengthening rebound in top Wall Street banks.
Stocks jumped on Wednesday after JPMorgan Chase & Co posted a surge in profit, following stronger numbers from Intel Corp a day earlier in an auspicious start to third-quarter earnings season.
Despite some signs that the worst of the U.S. residential housing crisis may be over, many wealthy homeowners are still being squeezed by the combination of weak home prices and the stock market crash.