Google revamps DoubleClick exchange

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Google Inc unveiled a new advertising exchange that draws on its search prowess to challenge Yahoo Inc's grip on the market for online display ads.

U.S. says no breakthrough on Mideast peace deal

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U.S. peace envoy George Mitchell did not win any breakthroughs in shuttle diplomacy between Israel and the Palestinians this week but the process will continue, the State Department said on Friday.
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On tap: biggest week for IPOs since 2007

Next week is slated to be the biggest for initial public offerings in the United States in nearly two years -- and some say the resurgence could be sustainable.
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G20 to coordinate exit strategy rhetoric: sources

Leaders of the Group of 20 nations are expected to agree at their summit in Pittsburgh next week to coordinate their public statements on exit strategies, G20 sources preparing for the meeting said on Friday.
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IMF chief sees global recovery in 1st half of 2010

The global economy should recover from recession in the first half of 2010, but it will take time for unemployment levels to decline, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said.
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Minneapolis Star-Tribune to exit bankruptcy Sept 28

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune is poised to exit bankruptcy by the end of September after a federal bankruptcy judge approved a reorganization plan that gives ownership of Minnesota's largest newspaper to its senior lenders.
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UBS warns U.S. clients as tax amnesty deadline nears

UBS AG has formally warned wealthy American clients that secret Swiss accounts may be revealed to U.S. tax authorities after the Wednesday expiration of an amnesty program that could give them immunity from prosecution.
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FDIC to consider ways to replenish deposit fund

U.S. bank regulators are considering tapping a line of credit with the U.S. Treasury Department and may explore other lesser-known options to replenish the dwindling fund that safeguards bank deposits.
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Airline workers may spread H1N1, expert says

Airline employees who report to work ill are more likely than sick passengers to spread infections such as the H1N1 swine flu virus aboard airplanes, with low-paid workers posing the greatest danger, a U.S. government expert said on Thursday.
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Lobby calls for EU scrutiny of Google book deal

EU regulators should look into the book settlement that Google reached with a group of U.S. writers and publishers last October because the deal will create a de facto monopoly, lobby group ICOMP said on Friday.


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