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Ferrari sees 2-3 year for sales recovery

Luxury sports carmaker Ferrari thinks it could take 2-3 years for sales to return to levels seen in 2008, its chief executive, Amedeo Felisa said in an interview with Reuters TV.

Ford sees more opportunity for cost cuts

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Ford Motor Co (F.N) is on track to have cut structural costs by up to $15 billion since 2005, but has room to make further reductions, the automaker's chief financial officer said on Wednesday.
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U.S. auto effiency plan forces gradual improvement

Automakers would be required to gradually increase fuel efficiency under a landmark U.S. government proposal that raises the fleet-wide average to 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016 and regulates tailpipe emissions for the first time.
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Europe car makers facing Asian shakeup

The European car industry could face a further shake-up with Asian companies pouncing on the chance to buy assets as China's Beijing Automotive Industry Holdings has done with Swedish car maker Saab.
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China think-tank bleak on global climate goal

An international goal to limit global warming to no more than 2 degrees Celsius appears unreachable even if China embarks on a vast effort to tame its growing greenhouse gas emissions, a Beijing think-tank has said.
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U.S. consumer prices up 0.4 percent in August

U.S. consumer prices rose faster than expected in August from July on a spike in gasoline costs, government data showed on Wednesday, but the underlying trend pointed to muted inflation pressures.
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Watch and wait good option in prostate cancer: study

Doctors caring for patients with early stage prostate cancer may do better to watch and wait to see if tumors develop rather than engage in aggressive treatment that may do no good, scientists said on Tuesday.
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West apologizes to Swift, Obama weighs in on furor

Rap star Kanye West personally apologized on Tuesday to country teen star Taylor Swift after a two-day furor over his hijacking of an awards speech that even drew an off-the-cuff comment from PresidentBarack Obama.
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FCC to take another look at Janet Jackson case

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission said on Tuesday the agency will review the incident involving a fleeting glimpse of pop singer Janet Jackson's breast during the 2004 American football championship.
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U.S. workers' health costs soaring, studies show

U.S. workers getting health insurance for their families through employers have seen their premiums more than double in the last decade and the trend toward higher health costs is expected to continue, according to two reports released on Tuesday.
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U.S. approves H1N1 vaccine, says enough for everyone

U.S. health officials have approved vaccines from four drugmakers to help prevent the H1N1swine flu, ensuring there will be enough to inoculate Americans who want the protection, U.S. Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told lawmakers on Tuesday.
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Chrysler turnaround slow progress: CEO

Chrysler Group LLC will present a five-year business plan by the end of November that outlines numbers and the path out of two years of difficulties, its chief executive said on Wednesday.
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U.S. seeks bundled payment for kidney dialysis

The U.S. health insurance program for the elderly, disabled and poor is seeking to pay one lump sum for all costs related to kidney dialysis, including prescription drugs, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) said on Tuesday.
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U.S. inflation reading tame, output rises again

Higher gasoline costs pushed up U.S. consumer prices in August while industrial output increased for a second consecutive month, according to data on Wednesday that reinforced hopes the economy was finally on the mend.
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Senate panel to release healthcare plan

Democratic U.S. Senator Max Baucus unveils a long-awaited healthcare overhaul on Wednesday that would dramatically revamp insurance rules but does not include a government-run option backed by liberal Democrats.
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Somali rebels call for foreign reinforcements

Somalia's al Shabaab insurgents called on Wednesday for more foreign militants to join them in the failed Horn of Africa state after U.S. forces killed one of the region's most wanted al Qaeda suspects.


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