Stocks fell on Monday after a sharp drop in Chinese equities called into question whether asset prices have raced ahead of an economic recovery.
Oil fell more than 4 percent to below $70 a barrel on Monday as a drop in China's key stock index dented optimism about the pace of economic recovery and the U.S. dollar strengthened.
Apple Inc's deal to sell the iPhone in China is seen as just the beginning of its dealmaking in the world's largest mobile phone market.
U.S. credit card defaults declined in July after five straight months of record highs, suggesting the ability of cardholders to pay bills could be stabilizing, Fitch Ratings said on Monday.
Mondobiotech, which listed on the Swiss stock exchange last week, aims to raise 5-10 million Swiss francs ($4.7-9.4 million) every two months by issuing new shares, its chief executive said.
The future of wind farms and hybrid cars may well hinge on what happens to a 55-acre (22.3-hectare) hole in the ground at the edge of California's high desert.
NEW YORK - U.S. copper futures extended a pull-back from last week's 11-month highs Monday morning, as a sharp plunge in Chinese and U.S. equity markets curbed economic recovery hopes, and a firmer dollar combined to drag prices down to one-week lows.
South Korean private equity firm Vogo Fund is buying the 30.7 percent stake of two banks in a domestic card processing company for $156 million and is in talks with other banks to raise its holdings to more than 50 percent within this year.
Chemical maker Huntsman Corp said on Monday that it would bid $415 million for some assets of bankrupt rival Tronox Inc to expand its pigments business.
U.S. accounting rulemakers have proposed requiring new disclosures on how companies value illiquid assets, a move designed to make it easier for investors to assess businesses' financial health.
Stocks fell on Monday after Chinese equities dropped sharply and commodities fell on concerns that asset prices have run ahead of the economic realities.
New York Federal Reserve Bank President William Dudley said it is too early to talk about curtailing the central bank's long-term security purchases while the U.S. economic recovery is fragile.
Oil fell more than 3 percent to around $70 a barrel on Monday as a drop in China's key stock dented optimism about the pace of economic recovery and the U.S. dollar strengthened.
Good news if you love to eat popcorn at the movies--your favorite snack is healthier than previously thought! New research shows that popcorn and cereals contain phenol antioxidants, thought to protect against heart disease and cancer.
For more than two decades, Frank Ramirez has made a living working an unusual job in Silicon Valley: assembling cars and trucks for Toyota Motor Corp and General Motor Co.
Stock index futures pointed to a lower open on Monday as Chinese equities dropped sharply and commodities fell on concerns that asset prices have run ahead of the economic realities.
U.S. Federal Reserve officials are thinking carefully about tapering off their purchases of mortgage debt to push the $1.45 trillion program into next year rather than end it on Dec. 31 as planned.
A fast-growing Silicon Valley start-up firm is aiming to put its methanol-based fuel cells in electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid cars.
Oil fell more than 2 percent to around $71 a barrel on Monday as a drop in China's key stock dented optimism about the pace of economic recovery and the U.S. dollar strengthened.
The new H1N1 swine flu is estimated to have infected about 800,000 people in New York City in the spring, a top U.S. health official said on Sunday, citing a study due to be released later this week.
People who are heavily in debt are more likely to be heavy themselves, too, according to new research from Germany.
The day after U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy's burial, leading Democratic and Republican senators on Sunday seized on his reputation for compromise to call for cooperation in the healthcare debate but showed little give in their own positions.