Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Saturday that the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraqi cities at the end of June showed Iraq can handle its own security, despite a wave of bombings this week.
Angry Nortel creditors and suppliers filed objections against the ongoing deal of Nortel with Nokia Siemens Networks to sell some of its unit.
Microsoft Windows 7 pre order starts June 26 until July 11th in the United States and Canada. Japan is also included on the list for June 26th pre order release but will end earlier on July 5TH or while supplies last.
U.S. commercial banks reported record trading revenue in the first quarter of 2009, benefiting from wide trading margins and gains from interest rate products, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency said on Friday.
June 27 marks National HIV Testing Day, an annual campaign coordinated by the National Association of People with AIDS to encourage people of all ages to “Take the Test, Take Control.”
For stock investors, June's job report could be a make-or-break factor next week in determining whether the recent rally has legs or not.
The Federal Reserve's baby steps this week toward scaling back some of its emergency market lifelines underscore just how far off an interest rate hike actually is.
President Barack Obama scored a major victory on Friday when the House of Representatives passed legislation to slash industrial pollution that is blamed for global warming.
U.S. regulators closed four small banks on Friday -- two in Georgia, one in Minnesota and one in California, bringing the total of U.S. bank failures to 44 this year.
Swindler Bernard Madoff should receive a sentence that ensures he will spend the rest of his life in prison for running Wall Street's biggest investment fraud, U.S. prosecutors argued on Friday.
Swindler Bernard Madoff should spend the rest of his life in prison, U.S. prosecutors argued on Friday, citing the unique scope and duration of his crimes as the leader of Wall Street's biggest fraud.
A U.S. judge turned down a request from International Business Machines Corp to bar its former head of mergers and acquisitions from working at Dell Inc over allegations that he would disclose trade secrets.
Swindler Bernard Madoff should spend the rest of his life in prison, U.S. prosecutors argued on Friday, citing the unique scope and duration of his crimes as the leader of Wall Street's biggest fraud.
Doctors completed an autopsy on the body of Michael Jackson on Friday but said they could not immediately establish a cause of death for the King of Pop as speculation centered on his use of prescription painkillers.
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Clean Energy and Security Act also referred as the cap and trade bill, in a historic vote on Friday to advance climate legislation that President Barack Obama has promoted during his administration to put the country into a clean energy economy path.
As President Obama announced Friday that climate change legislation as enormous progress in the U.S. Congress history, the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the 1,200-page environment and energy bill will pass following a successful test vote earlier on Friday.
Hours after the news of the king of pop's death was revealed on Thursday afternoon, the families of Michael Jackson gathered at the home of his parents, Joe and Katherine Jackson to mourn his death, in nearby Encino, California.
The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on Friday on climate change legislation that is a high priority of President Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress.
Oracle Corp failed to win fast-track approval from U.S. antitrust regulators for its $7 billion deal to buy Microsystems Inc , an attorney for Oracle said on Friday.
The Nasdaq rose on Friday, on strong demand for Palm's Inc's Pre smartphone, while the Dow was dragged lower by sliding oil prices and strength in some financial stocks helped cushion the S&P 500's decline.
Financier Allen Stanford will remain in a Texas jail at least until Monday as a federal judge reconsiders his $500,000 bond at the urging of prosecutors who say the accused swindler is a flight risk, according to a ruling on Friday.
Swiss adventurer Bertrand Piccard unveiled Friday the prototype of a solar powered plane he plans to fly around the world to highlight the potential of alternative energy sources.