Yahoo Inc said it will incur $22 million to $27 million in restructuring charges in the current quarter to account for previously announced layoffs of 5 percent of its staff.
Coda Automotive is looking to beat its competitors to the market by being the first in introducing a highway capable electric sedan in the United States market as soon as next year, according to a report.
A congressional committee said on Friday it has served the Federal Reserve with a second subpoena for documents related to Bank of America Corp's purchase of Merrill Lynch & Co.
U.S. financial markets entered a new era of good feelings in March on the back of sentiment surveys pointing to a rebound just around the corner, but hard economic data has yet to back it up.
Russia plans to release 30 percent more greenhouse gases by 2020 under an emissions target scheme announced on Friday by President Dmitry Medvedev.
JPMorgan Chase & Co said it expects to record a $1.1 billion charge in its second-quarter results after returning $25 billion in taxpayer funds to the U.S. government.
Ennis house - the mansion designed by US architect Frank Lloyd Wright that was used as a backdrop for movies like Blade Runner and TV show Buffy, the Vampire Slayer - has been put on the market for $15 million.
President Obama said on Friday that he is “committed to passing an immigration reform” which could give an opportunity for illegal immigrants to become citizens.
Eleven U.S. states on Friday called for a deeper probe into the $165 million of bonuses that American International Group Inc awarded employees in a unit whose losses led to a federal bailout of the insurer.
President Barack Obama's choice to head the Federal Communications Commission plans to review the exclusive arrangements between wireless carriers and cell phone makers.
Switzerland and the United States have reached agreement on a double taxation treaty, the Swiss finance ministry said on Friday, a key step toward removal from a list of tax havens.
The new strain of H1N1 flu is causing something different to happen in the United States this year -- perhaps an extended year-round flu season that disproportionately hits young people, health officials said on Thursday.
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President Thomas Hoenig said on Friday that the U.S. central bank was thinking seriously about its exit strategy, but inflation was not yet an imminent danger.
Switzerland and the United States have reached agreement on a double taxation treaty, the Swiss finance ministry said on Friday, a key step toward removal from a list of tax havens.
Japanese electronics maker Panasonic Corp has made major progress in talks with anti-trust regulators on its planned takeover of Sanyo Electric Co Ltd, and is considering launching a tender offer for the smaller rival as early as next month, Kyodo news agency said.
Miner BHP Billiton will push for more acquisitions after sealing an iron ore venture with Rio Tinto, while funds from the deal and a linked rights issue could prompt Rio to dip its toes back into M&A.
Texas billionaire Allen Stanford will appear in federal court in Virginia on Friday to answer allegations he orchestrated a massive fraud through his Antigua bank that bilked investors out of billions of dollars.
Oil firmed toward $72 a barrel on Friday, gaining for a third day, supported by views on equity markets that the economy may be stabilizing and due to geopolitical concerns over key oil producers Iran and Nigeria.
A distressingly slow U.S. housing recovery, with inflation-adjusted home values expected to decline over the next five years, makes it unlikely that housing wealth will drive consumer spending in the next decade, a Reuters/University of Michigan survey found.
Earlier this month China's car sales had surged on the back of generous government incentives and indeed has now passed the U.S. as the largest car market in the world.
Oil slipped below $71 a barrel on Thursday in volatile trade as investors weighed signs of slightly better demand against concerns over the fragility of any economic recovery.
Now if you are going to do stimulus, China shows us how to do it! As car sales jumped 47% year over year in May, the profits at auto makers fell 28%, and revenue dropped 11% for the first 4 months of the year