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Test awaits Obama this week on financial reforms

The Obama administration on Wednesday will unveil its long-awaited plan to tighten U.S. financial regulation, marking a test of its resolve to seize political opportunity and face down powerful interests.

Threats, violence seen eroding U.S. abortion rights

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The patients are gone and so are the protesters. Once the site of daily anti-abortion picketing, the Kansas clinic run by murdered doctor George Tiller is busy only with workers shutting down the facility.
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Netanyahu set to deliver peace policy speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a major policy speech on Sunday and will address the worst public rift with Washington in a decade over Jewish settlement building and Palestinian statehood.
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U.S. company accuses China of stealing software

A California software publisher will seek an injunction preventing U.S. companies from shipping computers with Chinese anti-pornography software it says was stolen, the company's president said on Saturday.
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Protests hit Tehran after Ahmadinejad wins

Thousands of people clashed with police on Saturday after the disputed election victory of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sparked the biggest protests in Tehran since the 1979 Islamic revolution.
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U.S. firm accuses China of stealing software: report

A California software company plans to seek an injunction preventing U.S. companies from shipping computers with Chinese anti-pornography software that it claims was stolen, The Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.
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Canada decries rising tide of U.S. protectionism

Canada decried on Saturday a rising tide of protectionism in the United States, but Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the Buy American provisions in an economic stimulus package will not interfere with U.S. trade obligations.
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Geithner: Too soon to withdraw economic stimulus

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Saturday it was too early to start withdrawing stimulus for the world's top economies, but governments should pledge a return to more sustainable fiscal policies in the future.
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North Korea issues nuclear threat

North Korea said Saturday it would start a uranium enrichment program and weaponize all its plutonium in response to fresh U.N. sanctions, prompting the United States to demand that Pyongyang stop its provocative actions.
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Ahmedinejad wins disputed Iran vote, crowds clash

Hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won re-election by a thumping margin, official figures showed Saturday, but his moderate challenger rejected the tally as a dangerous charade that could lead to tyranny.
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California sees big costs to renewable power plan

California on Friday forecast high costs for the most ambitious clean energy plan in the nation, including a 28 percent rise in electricity rates and $115 billion in construction if the state wants to get a third of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020.
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Geithner: Too early for move toward policy restraint

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Saturday it was too early to start withdrawing stimulus for the world's top economies, but governments should start to outline plans for future fiscal sustainability.
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Isolated North Korea could avoid U.N. pinch: analysts

U.N. Security Council sanctions imposed on North Korea for its nuclear test may do little to change the ways of the reclusive state and could prod Pyongyang to stoke tensions with military moves, analysts said on Saturday.
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Whoever wins election, U.S. wants talks with Iran

U.S. President Barack Obama plans to pursue attempts to engage Tehran whether hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or his moderate rival Mirhossein Mousavi ultimately emerges as the winner of Iran's election.
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Iran's Ahmadinejad heads for big win

Hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad resoundingly won Iran's election, preliminary official results showed on Saturday, but his moderate challenger alleged irregularities and claimed victory for himself.
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U.S. malls' ills give independent stores an opening

The wave of bankruptcies that has eliminated dozens of U.S. retail chains could force landlords to rethink their traditional aversion to having small, independent retailers as tenants, a retail real estate expert said on Thursday.


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