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Mechanical ventilators needed to treat those suffering from respiratory distress due to COVID-19 are in short supply

Auto Industry Races To Make Ventilators During Virus Crisis

American auto manufacturers General Motors and Ford, French car companies PSA and Renault, Germany's Volkswagen group and Formula 1 engineers have joined the ranks in response to a massive global shortage of the vital piece of medical equipment.
patient reveals first symptom of coronavirus that he experienced

COVID-19 USA Update: Patient Shares The Very First Symptom He Experienced

The unabated spread of the deadly COVID-19 has resulted in 42,344 fatalities all over the world, 4,055 of which are in the United States. The speed by which its spread has caused 860,170 confirmed cases of infections with 188,592 in the US alone. A former COVID-19 patient has explained the very first symptom he felt, as well as other warning signs that you need to be on the lookout for.
stomach pain is a symptom of coronavirus

COVID-19 Symptoms: Experiencing Stomach Ache Could Be A Sign Of Coronavirus Infection

The main symptoms of COVID-19, as stated by government authorities, are too short and usually do not include mild signs. Health experts have repeatedly been saying there are other symptoms of coronavirus infection that may be experienced by people who have contracted them. There is also a lesser-known symptom associated with your stomach and feeling this could be a warning.


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