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Variety of broadcasters on hand for inauguration

The inauguration of Barack Obama dawns with broadcast media swinging for the fences there are even cable networks as diverse as BET, TV One, Al Jazeera and ESPN are offering live coverage of Obama's swearing-in.

Obama begins new era with Church and coffee

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Just hours away from being sworn in as not only the nations' 44th president, but also as the first African-American man to take this important role, Obama chose to start the day by attending a church service with his wife.
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Fiat and Chrysler enter alliance in non cash deal

Fiat and Chrysler announced on Tuesday they signed an agreement for a strategic alliance in which Italy's car maker will have a 35 percent stake in Chrysler. The non-cash deal would give the troubled U.S. carmaker access to Fiat's products.
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Restoration underway in Gaza

On Monday uniformed Hamas security teams emerged on Gaza City's streets as leaders of the Islamic militant group vowed to restore order in the shattered Palestinian territory.
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Joaquin Phoenix makes his debuts as a Rapper

Joaquin Phoenix, 34, the star of 'Gladiator' and 'Signs', not only shocked fans by announcing his retirement from acting in October, he further surprised them with his rap debut on his music career.
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New U2 single hits the air

The new singe of U2 Get on Your Boots began broadcasting Monday, first on Ireland's state broadcasters, then for free on the group's Web site.
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Scientist finds new creatures in deep Australian seas

On Sunday, a U.S – Australian team of scientists announced that they had uncovered new marine animals in their research of previously unexplored Australian waters, such as bizarre carnivorous sea squirt and ocean-dwelling spiders.
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Boxing legend Jose Torres dies

The boxing legend Jose Torres, the former world light-heavyweight champion, passed away earlier today from a heart attack.
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Obama recalls history, says inauguration is collective celebration

President elect Barack Obama took a historical view of the American inaugural celebration tradition which first took place 220 years with the first U.S. President, during his last radio address on Saturday ahead of his swearing in as the nation's chief executive on Tuesday.
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Looking Ahead to 2009

The U.S. labor force may not notice the end of the recession later this year because jobs and income will continue to be weak in the subsequent months, one economist says.
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Credit Where Credit is Due

This week, in a speech before the London School of Economics, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke offered a perverse economic theory in his quest to gather support for
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Obama supports DTV-Switch Delay

President-elect Barack Obama's transition team sent a second letter to Capitol Hill on Friday to re-enforce the push to postpone the nation's scheduled transition to digital-only television.
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'Bad Bank' Possibility Gains Momentum

The idea of creating a bad bank to assume the risky investments of financial institutions is being considered by top U.S. policy makers as a way of healing the financial system.


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