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CBS to put Evening News with Couric live on Web

CBS said on Thursday it will stream its prime-time news program with Katie Couric live on the Internet simultaneously with the newscast, a first for a major TV network that highlights U.S. broadcasters' rapid expansion on the Web.

Merck Loses Vioxx Case

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A jury in a U.S. federal court found that pharmaceuticals company Merck & co. was responsible for the death of a man who took the company's Vioxx painkiller drug.
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Russia Could Cut U.S. Meat Preferences

Russia's economic minister said on Thursday that the country would cut preferences given to U.S. meat imports if Washington fails to allow Russia to join the World Trade Organization.
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Venezuela To Increase Oil Sales to China

Venezuela's Energy and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said on Tuesday the country plans to increase oil sales to China to 200,000 barrels a day by the end of the year.
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Agency reviewing all Sony laptop batteries

Consumer safety officials said on Tuesday they are reviewing all Sony-made lithium-ion batteries in laptop computers for fire hazards after Dell Inc. announced the largest electronics recall in the United States.
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Dell Recalls Fire-Risk Laptop Batteries

Dell Inc. said on Monday it will recall 4.1 million notebook computer batteries because they could overheat and catch fire, in the biggest recall in its 22-year history.
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Google Maps offers discount coupons for US stores

Google Inc. will offer printable discount coupons to local shoppers, in a promotional bid that aims to drive U.S. online shoppers using its Google Maps service to visit stores, the company said on Monday.
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Most Japanese Companies Skeptical about US Beef

Only one of major food chain in Japan has decided to use U.S. beef, which came back to the market last week, according to a survey by the Consumers Union of Japan and Food Safety Citizens' Watch.
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Pepsi Names New CEO

Pepsi Co. Inc. on Monday announced that it would be replacing current Chief Executive Steve Reinemund, after he announced he would retire, with the company's Chief Financial Officer, Indra Nooyi.
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PepsiCo Names New Female CEO

Indra Nooyi, who played in an all-girl rock band in her youth, brings her ease at performing onstage to the boardroom at PepsiCo Inc. where she will become the new chief executive, those who know her said on Monday.
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Amid Strife, Sudan's Economy Rises

War scarred Sudan may be best known for the humanitarian situation in Darfur but despite sanctions, poverty and hunger, Sudan is experiencing a surprising economic resurgence.
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Target Stores Hitting Their Mark

Target Corp., the US market's second largest retailer, endured an uncertain economy in the latest quarter to earn a solid profit which beat Wall Street expectations.
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Researchers chase goal of non-hijackable plane

Can technology create a non-hijackable plane?By 2008, European researchers aim to bring that vision closer to reality through an ambitious security program to combat on-board threats in an industry left reeling this week by a security scare that raised the specter of September 11.
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BETonSPORTS shutters US business

Internet gaming group BETonSPORTS, which removed its chief executive from his job following his detention in Texas last month on racketeering charges, said on Friday it was closing down the U.S. business, which drives the vast majority of the company's profits.
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World can cope now with Alaska, Nigeria oil loss: IEA

The world can cope for now with the loss of about 1 million barrels per day (bpd) of oil from Alaska and Nigeria, but the pressure is on exporter group OPEC to fill the gap, the International Energy Agency said on Friday.
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Security tech firms may benefit from foiled plot

Makers of security equipment are the most likely to benefit from the heightened alert at airports after British police foiled a plot to blow up planes flying between Britain and the United States.
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Stalemate seen in high-definition DVD war

The battle between two hyped formats for high-definition DVD will confuse shoppers and turn many of them off the whole technology, a London-based research firm predicted on Friday.
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Tokyo Ranks First in Purchasing Power Survey

Tokyo residents have the highest purchasing power in the world, overriding residents in Los Angeles, London, New York and Sydney, according to a new survey released on Wednesday by Swiss banking giant UBS.


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