Saudi Arabia's shale gas technology breakthrough could have a significant geopolitical impact as the kingdom would be able to supply gas to regional allies that now depend on Qatar.
Medicare for All is the best option available for giving Americans high-quality health care coverage, according to a published scientific study.
According to a new poll, Americans find flu more worrisome compared to the deadly COVID-19.
S. Korea 'very grave', Moon says as coronavirus cases approach 1,000
Safari rides in the nature reserve where the rhinos died have already been halted due to the deaths.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that the pledged amount was undersized and inadequate to the scale of this emergency.
Ailing Iranians suffer as sanctions hit medical supplies
A vaccine for COVID-19 has been developed in record time by US biotech firm, Moderna Inc.
A group of volcanologists previously revealed which volcanoes in the U.S. are most likely to cause major disasters in the country if they erupted. According to the experts, there are a couple of volcanoes in the U.S. that are far more dangerous than the Yellowstone supervolcano.
“Parasite” will be available for streaming on Hulu in April.
Weinstein convicted of sex assault, rape in 'new era' for #MeToo
Arctic 'doomsday vault' stocks up on more food seeds
A number of people walked out as Donald Trump delivered his speech during a campaign rally in India.
A new scientific report warned that climate change is transforming into a catastrophic threat to national security. According to the report, the drastic effects of climate change could manifest in the next couple of decades.
United Airlines suspends flights between the United States and Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai and Hong Kong until April 24.
Donald Trump and Melania Trump's visit to Taj Mahal was very different from Princess Diana’s tour sans Prince Charles.
Wall Street and the world's other leading equity markets were in the red Monday as COVID-19 continued to advance unchecked worldwide.
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett weighed in on two Democrats running for the White House.
Bong Joon-Ho's award-winning film "Parasite" will be available exclusively to American audiences really soon on a big streamer.
The trade conflict of the past two years likely left a mark on the US economy, even with the recent agreement to defuse the situation, a Federal Reserve official said Monday.
Virus 'peaked' in China but could trigger global pandemic: WHO
Trump hails 'exceptional' Modi at huge India rally