Rival urges commando raid to oust I.Coast's Gbagbo

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An influential opponent of Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo called on Wednesday for a targeted commando strike against the leader who is resisting calls to step down after a disputed election in November.
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Congo's tax review may help copper

Congo is one of the copper giants in the world and certain taxes levied by the government for copper exports have been worrying the exporters for quite sometime. But, things are changing fast now. Congo is now mulling changes in taxes levied on exports of semi processed copper and cobalt after appeals from business community which says illegal taxes are crippling sectors across the board.
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From amateur twitching to hair-raising elephant encounters, get up close and personal with Malawi's furred and feathered creatures
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Peace would make Israel a top global economy

Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer said on Sunday Israel could become a leading economy globally if a Middle East peace deal is reached but that the key challenges for now were to accelerate growth and cut poverty.
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MTN says Nhleko to step down as CEO by 2011

Phuthuma Nhleko, Chief Executive Officer of South African mobile phone group MTN (MTNJ.J), will step down as CEO and group president in March 2011, the group said on Monday.
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Zambia Jan-Oct copper output rises - cbank

Copper output in Zambia, Africa's largest producer of the metal, rose to 573,405 tonnes between January and October this year, compared with 480,665 tonnes in the same period last year, the central bank said on Tuesday
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The Smoke That Thunders, Zambia

The town of Livingstone, Zambia, near Victoria Falls, was named after Doctor David Livingstone, the missionary born in Blantyre, Scotland, where I once lived as a child. It is illustrative of how much the world has changed, in such a relatively short time, that it was a mere 150 years since he had become
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Zambia faces electricity rationing

Zambia, Africa's largest copper producer, faces a power shortage and electricity rationing by the end of next year due to increased demand for power by the country's mining sector, an industry official said on Monday.
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Financiers pledge $1 billion for Africa infrastructure

Western nations and lending agencies have agreed a financing package of more than $1 billion to improve infrastructure in southern and central Africa at an investment conference meant to expand transport links and trade.
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Zimbabwe cholera cases tops 75,000

So far at least 73 385 Zimbabweans have been infected with water-borne diarrhea disease since August and 3 524 have died, in Africa's deadliest cholera outbreak in 15 years.
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Chinese ship to return from Zimbabwe

China reported on Tuesday that its shipment of weapons bound for Zimbabwe is likely to return following the refusal of port workers in Southern African countries to have access to its ports.
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Hedge funds eye minor metals

For years the preserve of globe-trotting merchants and secretive financiers, the trade in rare and valuable minerals known as minor metals is now on the radar of hedge funds searching for profits.
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FUND FOCUS-Commodities undervalued by 30 percent

The oil price might have fallen almost 25 percent from its peak, but the commodities sector as a whole is undervalued by around 30 percent giving further opportunity for growth according to one fund manager.
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Zambia President Orders Crackdown on Mine Investors

Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa has ordered the arrest and prosecution of investors in the country's copper mines who are breaking labour laws, officials and state-owned media said on Sunday. The decision is widely seen as a move to placate angry miners in the country's Copperbelt region ahead of September 28 presidential elections.
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Chinese labor policies mar African welcome

When Chinese investors bought struggling copper producer Chambishi Mining Plc, miners in this Zambian town gave them a heroes' welcome for averting its closure and for creating more jobs.


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