The killing of Cecil the lion has been globally condemned while other, larger, human tragedies are ignored.
"Only one good thing comes out of this," said primatologist Jane Goodall, "thousands of people have read the story and have also been shocked,"
Two men could each get 15 years in prison if convicted of helping a Minnesota dentist kill a lion in Zimbabwe.
British actress Jane Birkin has asked Hermès to remove her name from the famous crocodile skin handbags.
Since the Telegraph identified a dentist from Minnesota as the poacher who allegedly killed Cecil the Lion in Zimbabwe, the Internet has responded with a massive outpouring of ire.
From Syriza to the Grexit to the troika, all your questions about the turmoil consuming Europe are answered.
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe, who strongly opposes homosexuality, ridiculed the U.S. for legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide.
As Nigeria continues to foster economic relations with China, Nigerian students say learning Chinese puts them in a better position for job opportunities.
"I ask that in the memory of Mr. Pinckney that we are generous in spirit, gracious in our conversation and please -- even if we disagree, let's agree to disagree agreeably."
Gov. Nikki Haley on Monday called on the Legislature to remove the flag from the state house grounds.
"They think we're all like that young man, waving the Confederate flag with hate and racism."
President Obama spoke about shaping public opinion about gun violence on Friday in San Francisco.
A Zimbabwean official said courts should respect wishes of young girls who 'want to marry and have sex.'
The uncle of the man accused of killing nine in a church shooting Wednesday night said he didn't know Dylann Storm Roof to be racist.
After police released a surveillance camera photo, Roof was allegedly recognized by his uncle, who described him as "quiet, soft-spoken."
For 175 quadrillion Zimbabwean dollars, locals will be able to get $5.
The first princess Annie Grace Mutambu, who was second in line for the crown, has since replaced Emily Kachote as Miss World Zimbabwe 2015.
The dead body of a former Zimbabwean cabinet minister and ambassador to the U.S. was found in his locked car along with a highly toxic insecticide.
As well-armed criminal groups kill Africa’s elephants at an alarming rate, anti-poaching groups are becoming “militarized” in response.
The Nigerian president-elect will be sworn in Friday morning.
Buhari, a Muslim from northern Nigeria, was expected to take the oath of office Friday after vowing on the campaign trail to wipe out the Boko Harem insurgency and national political corruption.
Africa Day marks the anniversary of the formation of the African Union and is celebrated each year on May 25.