• Coronavirus has spread so rapidly that it has resulted in a lot of drastic measures to be taken by many governments from around the world
  • The worse part is the series of misinformation that also seem to fill social media
  • Below is a list of the knowns and unknowns about coronavirus

With the high transmission rate of the virus, people need to be extra careful and to be well-informed so as they can make the proper decision and provide due protection to themselves and their families. Since this is a new strain of the coronavirus family, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have provided information that you should know about the dreaded virus.

Here are some of the known and lesser-known facts about COVID-19. Taking note of them can lead you to make an informed decision on how to deal with the virus. The list below would also answer some misconceptions or myths that have flown freely in social media.

knowns and unknowns coronavirus
knowns and unknowns coronavirus mohamed_hassan - Pixabay
  • The best way to protect oneself from the virus is not by wearing a mask but by conscientiously washing the hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If soap and water aren't around, you can use an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  • As per WHO, you can still be infected by the virus even if you wear a mask, the moment you touch your nose, eyes, or mouth with your hands, which touched a contaminated surface.
  • Wearing eyeglasses will not prevent the virus from entering the eyes as you may still be able to touch your eyes with contaminated hands.
  • The virus is transmitted through airborne droplets, and it can be caught from a sneeze or cough, even as far as talking with an infected individual.
  • The most popular symptoms of the virus include cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.
  • Those who are at a high risk of dying from the virus are the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions like diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and respiratory ailments.
  • The latest update on the incubation period of the virus is 2 to 14 days, but there are possible outliers in various parts of the world that showed up to 27 days incubation period.
  • The WHO has issued a March 13 statement saying that "there is no evidence that companion animals/pets such as dogs or cats can be infected with the new coronavirus."
  • The most recent update with regards to reinfection is not yet clear. Infectious disease physician, Dr. Stephen Gluckman at Penn Global Medicine said that under normal circumstances, the body would develop immunity against a virus, which was seen with other coronaviruses. However, other health experts like Dr. Peter Jung at the University of Texas said that short-term immunity is likely with the present COVID-19 strain and highlighted that just as flu can mutate, so as COVID-19, which will make one susceptible to reacquiring the infection even after recovery.
  • Some of the myths that are sheer misinformation include eating garlic can protect you from the virus, staying under the heat of the sun, or taking a hot bath will kill the virus, drinking a hot toddy will kill the virus.

Taking note of the above updates on coronavirus will help you make a better decision on how to deal with the dreaded disease. It will also be a form of self-protection, as well as a way to properly inform loved ones.