• Total confirmed cases of coronavirus breaches half-million mark globally
  • Every day, new symptoms are being discovered
  • A woman who got infected in Italy reports experiencing a strange symptom

Coronavirus continues its vicious attacks on nearly 200 countries worldwide, resulting in the deaths of many and forcing many people to embrace a new norm of living. To the surprise of many, the virus has managed to infect 85,594 people in the United States, surpassing China’s total confirmed cases of 81,340. The death toll in the US is also among the top six in the world at 1,300 dying from the infection.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that scientists know so little about this new strain of coronavirus, which is officially known as SARS-CoV-2. Government decisions and policies are often dependent on emerging developments with the general population and patient-reported symptoms. Fortunately, such information provides scientists with more insights and a deeper understanding of the coronavirus. This is the case with a young patient who reported a new and unusual symptom that everyone should watch out for.

coronavirus loss of hearing symptom
coronavirus loss of hearing symptom Anna Shvets - Pexels

Enlisting The Help Of Social Media

People who have been infected with the coronavirus have taken to the social media share their experience, particularly with regards to symptoms. Their courageous decisions stemmed from two reasons. One, it helps others identify likely symptoms. Two, it helps health bodies gain a deeper insight into the threat that humanity is facing.

A recent story of a COVID-19 victim was shared on twitter and has brought attention to a lesser-known symptom of the infection. It also gave health experts a new insight on what other symptoms result from a COVID-19 infection and how such knowledge can help in discovering a cure or vaccine.

A New And Odd COVID-19 Symptom

Julia Buscaglia, who got infected while in Italy, reported experiencing a rather odd symptom, which is different from common COVId-19 symptoms of high fever and continuous cough. She tweeted that she went to a doctor in Italy who informed her she had a common cold. Ms. Buscaglia proceeded with her daily routine, but at that point, she started to lose hearing in her left ear. She thought it was just congestion.

The day before leaving Italy for the US, Ms. Buscaglia said her loss of hearing got worse, and on that day, she lost her sense of taste and smell. She did not have a runny nose or cough. She did have a headache, though, which she treated with acetaminophen.

Wet Cough Starts

Upon arriving in the US, Ms. Buscaglia revealed that she was able to hear now but that she now has a wet cough. This was ten days before she tested positive for COVID-19.

When she finally received her test results indicating positive for COVID-19, Ms. Buscaglia said she had no other symptoms whatsoever. At this time, her wet cough has abated, though she is still coughing slightly, although it is not bothering her that much.

Social Distancing

In many countries stricken by the deadly disease, the official advice is to self-isolate if you feel even the mildest symptoms. You should also try to avoid making contact with your family or friend. This should continue for a span of seven to fourteen days.