'Dark Knight Rises': Leaked Prologue, Scripts, Trailers and Rumors [VIDEOS]
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After a scrumptious holiday meal and oodles of presents, would you rather sit around talking to your 90-year-old aunt Bertha or would you rather spend your time investigating The Dark Knight Rises? That's what we thought.
The holiday season is all about spreading joy and this is your one-stop shop for all things Dark Knight. Now, if you literally want to shop for The Dark Knight, click on over to Amazon where you can find an array of Gotham goodies on sale now.
The third and final installment of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy will hit box offices on July 20, 2012. However, with recent leaks and rumors, the whole world is already giddy with excitement. The second trailer, which leaked earlier this month, has been officially released by Warner Bros. It is now available on iTunes and YouTube. For your convenience, we included the two official trailers below. The six-minute prologue remains quite elusive. Most sites have had to remove their version, but we have it for you below as well.
As for the rumors, a select few have claimed that they have read the entire script. Some even received scanned copies of certain pages. You can check those out here too. The cacophony of gossip circulating could leave any Batman fan deaf. Determining which ones are true and which ones are false will prove to be an arduous task.
The Dark Knight Rises completed filming in November after an intense six-month shoot around the world from India to Scotland to Cartington, England and the U.S. The final installment is certainly prepped to rock the movie industry. So far, the Dark Knight movies have grossed $1.4 billion worldwide, reports The L.A. Times. Fans are eagerly anticipating the final journey with the legendary Bruce Wayne.
It's terrific, to have people that interested in something. It reminds you that it is a real honor to work on something that means so much to people, Nolan told The L.A. Times. I'd love to be able to claim that I invented the whole thing and that's why they're interested. I did not. I've been given a very precious thing to do my best with, to look after and not to let people down. There's a certain amount of fear that comes with it and intimidation but it's also a great privilege. [As for the fans], they want it to be great, they want to go enjoy it and they're fascinated by it. You know, there's always controversy regarding things that people will disagree with but hopefully they appreciate the effort of trying to make something good.
Leaked Script
Many comic book Web sites have claimed possession of leaked Dark Knight Rises scripts. The script for the first Dark Knight in the trilogy leaked a few years earlier, so security surrounding production of the third installment has been particularly tight. However, dedicated fans have gone the extra mile. Some offered photographic proof of their scripts and others let the reader make a judgment call on the gossip. The Web site What Would Tyler Durden do posted scanned copies of the script. Click here to read. The Web site ComicBooked.com referenced chatter on the Super Hero Hype message boards regarding one individual, named Super Saint X, who supposedly read the entire script. Click here to read the rumors.
IBTimes reporter Michael Billera got an exclusive interview with the operator of DarkKnightRumors.com, Omeed Asadi, to round-up the rumors circling the summer 2012 film. In the past two weeks, there has been so much speculation on the film. Now, there is speculation based on something tangible, Asadi told IBTimes, referring to the trailer and the six-minute prologue. One of the things I found interesting was the Christopher Nolan confirming it takes place eight years after the Dark Knight. Click here to read the full interview.
Leaked Prologue
Many Web sites caught the original leak of the six-minute prologue, featuring a riveting scene of the villain Bane on a plane. However, this clip was quickly removed after requests from Warner Bros. Luckily, the clip is back up thanks to an international Web site, Tag Tele. Dark Knight fans will be very pleased, as many are chomping at the bit for the film to be released. Nolan's last installment is expected to thrill and amaze. MTV's review of the six-minute teaser included fans saying it will make your jaw drop. Watch the prologue below.
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