Daylight Savings 2011 End Nov. 6 in US&Canada, Oct. 30 in UK

Daylight Savings Time in 2011 is coming to its end on Nov. 6 in the U.S. and Canada, following Oct. 30 in the UK.
Those of us in these nations will fall back and gain one hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6. While it means you can enjoy an extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning, it gets dark earlier in the evening as well. And we are moving the clocks back to where we were before March 13, 2011, when summer time began.
Daylight Savings are not observed by all regions in the U.S. Hawaii, most of Arizona, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Marianas remain on Standard Time throughout the year, and never spring forward in March as the rest of the nation enters Daylight Savings Time.
The origin of Daylight Savings is found in one of the Founding Fathers of the U.S., Benjamin Franklin. As an American envoy to France in late 18th century, Franklin anonymously published a letter that suggested the utilization of morning sunlight by waking up early, according to Wikipedia. While he proposed it as a way to economize candles, this concept was later inherited by New Zealand entomologist George Hudson, who proposed a two-hour daylight-saving shift. In the 20th century, many European countries used Daylight Savings Time, which was adopted by the U.S. in 1918.
In the U.S., the Daylight Savings Time used to run from April until mid-October, until 2007 when Congress extended it, beginning three weeks earlier and one week later.
Benjamin Franklin was also the author of the proverb, Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
According to an ABC News report, the time changes forced on human bodies could be harmful, while returning to natural rhythms after the November fallback can be healthy.
When you change clocks to daylight saving time, you don't change anything related to sun time, says chronobiology researcher Till Roenneberg of Ludwig Maximilans University in Munich, Germany.
This is one of those human arrogances -- that we can do whatever we want as long as we are disciplined. We forget that there is a biological clock that is as old as living organisms, a clock that cannot be fooled. The pure social change of time cannot fool the clock.
The days following Daylight Saving time changes, human bodies could be vulnerable to have heart problems.
More than 1.5 billion men and women are exposed to the transitions involved in daylight saving time: turning clocks forward by an hour in the spring and backward by an hour in the autumn, said Imre Janszky and Rickard Ljung, health and welfare researchers in Sweden, according to ABC News. These transitions can disrupt chronobiologic rhythms and influence the duration and quality of sleep, and the effect lasts for several days after the shifts.
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