Dear Netflix Fans: Get Over It

Netflix members are outraged at the sudden increase in prices. This we know. More than 30,000 people took to social media to comment on the jacked up prices. A Dear Netflix Facebook page was even made to provide a platform to express concern. But is the price increase really that bad?
One Facebook member said on the Dear Netflix Wall, Dear Netflix , I hope you can send movies that aren't scratched or broken, I'm on hold for the summer, I will have to check out Blockbuster before I reactivate my account.
People also took to Twitter with the hash-tag DearNetflix. An angry Netflix member wrote, #DearNetflix, it was a good run. But watching you go mad with power & greed is just too much. I can get my blurays/streaming elsewhere. And this user wasn't alone.
@kareemzarwi wrote, #DearNetflix your welcome for all our assistance in destroy Blockbuster (for now). Unfortunately ur ungrateful. Pack ur sh*t, were done 7/31.
Some of the complaints seemed warranted, too.
@OliverCeballos wrote, #dearnetflix Your movie selection needs to increase hugely to justify the new pricing!
Currently, Netflix's unlimited streaming option doesn't give full access to all content on Netflix. Therefore, users who opt for the Unlimited Streaming option will be limited in their choices. It does seem like a logical step to increase the viewing choices for streaming, giving full access to new releases. If Netflix doesn't do this, they will open the market for more illegal downloading of new movies. And although Netflix is bound by certain contractual agreements, they are teetering on the edge between what is an alright plan and what could be a great plan.
However, not everybody is outraged by the hike in prices. @Tonycarrera wrote, #DearNetflix Please reconsider your price increase. The last few years have had price increases but this is rough. #sadface @netflix. And, @joeycmiller said, #DearNetflix I'm staying with you, but thx for enabling the most wackjob online complaint note entertainment since TiVo Series 4 dropped.
But let's take a moment to reflect on this sudden surge in price. Though the 60 percent increase is a lot at once, Netflix hasn't cut off all options, and if a member doesn't like the options given there are other companies to choose from, namely Hulu Plus and Redbox. Blockbuster, who was overpowered by Netflix after getting on the DVD mailing system a little too late, is also a viable option.
It's likely however that people will opt for Netflix's Unlimited Streaming, and eventually forget that there was a previous, cheaper option granting both DVD and streaming options.
And to put a positive spin on it, Netflix is providing customers with a more eco-friendly product. By selecting the stream only option, it decreases overhead and it reduces waste.
When Netflix started out, the DVD rental was the base, its core, its strength. However, 2011 saw a boom in online streaming and content.
Netflix wanted to be paid more from studios for the content that Netflix was streaming, but the studios had the upper hand.
With competitors out there, such as Blockbuster, Red Box, Hulu, and iTunes, Netflix has to find a way to keep its infrastructure costs low.
At the end of the day, Netflix is a company, and even though their fees have increased significately, the furry will die down as it did when The New York Times announced that they would be charging members if they wanted unlimited access to the site. Readers were outraged and, like with Netflix, took to social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to display their frustrations. Since however, readers have resolved to either reading the 20 article minimum, linking from Twitter, or paying a fee to read their news.
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